The Strength of the Weak - Chapter 14

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Satomi P.O.V.

"So, why are you brats here?" Tazuna asks, carrying a piece of plywood. Sakura and I look at each other with smirks.

"Well, we already completed our training. The boys, however, still aren't done with it. You could even go as far as to say that we are better than them," Sakura brags. I offer a soft smile and nod.

"Really? And here I thought that you two were the weakest on the team," he states.

"I've actually had extensive training, so technically I am more skilled than the others, excluding Kakashi-sensei, of course," I state proudly. Sure, I'm pretty soft-spoken, even for an Uchiha, but I do have my pride that I was cursed with from my bloodline. Tazuna waves me off, and continues working on the bridge.

"Tazuna, I've got to talk to you. I'm gonna have to quit. The danger I'm in isn't worth it," A man says, walking up to Tazuna with a guilty look. I raise an eyebrow and listen in on the conversation.

"Not you too! I've already lost quite a few workers, I need you to stay!" Tazuna pleads with the man. He, however, shakes his head and turns to leave, not looking back. Sighing, I get up and pick up a small stack of plywood.

"Hey, kid, what're you doing?" Tazuna demands. I bring it over to where it was needed, stretching my back and looking at Tazuna when it's safely on the ground.

"You just lost another worker, so in the meantime, I'll replace him. It's only fair," I say, continuing to move supplies around. After a few minutes, Sakura also joins me and we make the work go must faster than before, especially since we were trained ninja.

"Thank you very much, girls. It means a lot to me that you would help me out even though you didn't need to," Tazuna says once we were finished working for the day. I wave him off with a smile.

"It's not a big deal. The faster we get this done, the faster your land becomes wealthy again!" I state. Sakura agrees from beside me.

"And the faster we get to go home and sleep in our beds!" she adds with a dreamy look on her face.

Soon enough, a small town comes into view with shops lining the streets. What surprised me, though, was that all of them were open for business. From the looks of it, I was sure that they were all closed based on the amount of product they held, it was close to nothing. People lined the streets, although unlike Konoha, none of them were smiling. They were all dirty and hungry, almost like living corpses. It was actually really unsettling.

"I was asked to grab some food on the way home for dinner," Tazuna states, walking into a shop with very few items.

A frown is apparent on my face as Tazuna grabs a few vegetables, all of which were of poor quality, and puts them in a basket. With a sigh, I take the basket from him.

"Let me," I say, putting more food into the basket. As I'm reaching for a tomato, I hear Sakura scream, making me whip around with a deadly glint in my eye. Who the hell was messing with my teammate?!

"Pervert!" Sakura screeched, kicking the man who had reached for her bag in the face. Some blood flew out of his mouth, and I was pretty sure a few teeth fell out as well. To be honest, I didn't know that she held that kind of power. The man runs out of the shop, ashamed, letting us shop in peace once again. With a sigh, I take the basket full of food to the counter. All of it was overpriced, but it didn't matter to me, I had the money.

"Kid, you don't need to pay for it. I've got it," Tazuna says, trying to pull out what little money he had. I shake my head, giving the cashier money for the food, as well as a few dollars more because I could spare it.

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