The Strength of the Weak - Chapter 39

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3rd Person P.O.V. 

Satomi and Naruto were standing back to back, each facing a mass of ruined trees. They had been training to master their respective jutsus for six days now, yet neither of them had been able to master it. 

"N-Naruto-kun... have you gotten it yet?" Satomi pants out, her left hand hanging limply at her side. It was even more injured than before, if that's even possible. The flames licked at her hand every time she attempted her jutsu, blisters littering her skin.

However, despite this pain... she was almost there. Just a little more practice and she would have it. But... could she make it that long?

"Not yet... but I'm so close," Naruto groans, preparing to perform his jutsu yet again. Satomi grunts in acknowledgment, coating her hand in a protective layer of chakra and seeping fire over it. Panting harshly, her arm trembles with the stress of the jutsu, especially after the days and days of training she's done.

"Inferunodoragon!" Satomi cries, darting forward and smashing her hand into a nearby tree. As she runs, the fire morphs into the head of a dragon, the maximum power having been reached. She looks down at her hand, surprise and pride etched over her features.

Unfortunately, when Satomi looked down her concentration was lost and the jutsu dropped down to its most basic form, the flames dispersing as her hand makes contact with the bark. Frozen in place, Satomi's wide eyes stare at the practically undamaged tree before her, panting wildly at the exhaustion she felt. 

Her body trembles, before she finally allows her eyes to fall shut as she falls limply to the ground. Naruto glances over, his own eyes beginning to close after attempting the Rasengan yet again. From the shadows, they fail to notice a certain sannin watching their intense training with a frown.

The blonde sannin sighs, walking over to the two genin her old teammates took under their wings to train. They didn't look like much... an obnoxious kid in an overly bright jumpsuit and an Uchiha who didn't have nearly as much potential as her brothers. 

"I never was a very lucky gambler..."


"Lady Tsunade, how are they?" Shizune asks, watching carefully over the children in their beds, out cold from their training. Tsunade had brought them in, each one hoisted over a shoulder and a scowl on her face.

"Both Naruto and Satomi have exhausted all of their chakra. They won't wake up for another two days, at least," Tsunade replies curtly, her arms crossed over her chest. Shizune fidgets from her spot beside the genin, glancing at her master every so often.

"Tomorrow is the day... Lady Tsunade, you can't possibly be thinking of accepting his offer! This isn't what my uncle or your brother would have wanted. And... if you do end up agreeing... I will stop you, even if it costs me my life!" Shizune bellows, standing up to her conflicted mistress.

Tsunade merely scowls, punching Shizune in the gut as she walks by.

"Don't forget who you're talking to, Shizune."


Yawning, Naruto sits up in the unfamiliar bed and gazes out of the open window sleepily. Scratching his head, he stumbles to his feet, accidentally stepping on a certain brown haired kunoichi.

"Shizune? What are you doing on the floor?" Naruto asks, lightly nudging said woman with his foot. Shizune groans, peeling her eyes open and looking up at the blonde before her.

"N-Naruto?! Why are you awake? Wait a second... what day is it?!" she panics, climbing to her feet and grabbing the young male by the shoulders. He gives her a curious look, pushing her hands off of him and stretching his back.

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