The Strength of the Weak - Chapter 8

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Satomi P.O.V.

"Let's start off by introducing ourselves," our silver-haired sensei suggests, gazing lazily at us as he leans against the railing. Sakura and Naruto were still highly annoyed by his late arrival, grumbling at his statement.

"Sensei? Maybe you should go first... you're kind of a mystery to us," Sakura adds. From beside her, Naruto nods his head vigorously in agreement. The jounin sighs, closing his visible eye in annoyance before slightly straightening himself up.

"My name is Kakashi Hatake. Thins I like and things I hate...? I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future? Never really thought about it. As for my hobbies... I have lots of hobbies," Kakashi-sensei vaguely explains. I resist the urge to facepalm at his awful introduction, listening to Sakura and Naruto complain to each other about Kakashi-sensei.

"Next, we'll go with the blonde one," Kakashi-sensei says, pointing at Naruto.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki! I like instant ramen in a cup, and I really like the ramen Iruka-sensei got me at the Ichiraku noodle shop, but I hate the three minutes you have to wait to pour the hot water in the ramen cup. My hobby is eating and comparing different ramen, and my dream is to be the greatest Hokage! Then the whole village will stop disrespecting me and will start treating me like I'm somebody... somebody important!" Naruto exclaims.

"Alright. You next," Kakashi-sensei states, pointing at Sakura with no emotion.

"I'm Sakura Haruno! What I like... well I mean the person I like is... uh..." Sakura starts, glancing at my brother every so often. I think we get the hint.

"Uh... uh, my hobby is, uh..." she continues, unable to create formal sentences. Seeing Sasuke's expression shift uncomfortably was highly amusing, though.

"My dream for the future is...!" she finishes, squealing to herself. I smile to myself, glancing in Sakura's direction. Perhaps Sakura would be able to help change Sasuke.

"And what do you hate?" Kakashi-sensei asks calmly. She scowls and points a finger at Naruto accusingly.

"Naruto!" she shouts, causing Naruto to deflate. I think someone has a crush...

"Okay. Next, we'll go with him," Kakashi-sensei says, ignoring Sakura's short speech about Sasuke.

"My name... is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things, and I don't particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream... because I will make it a reality. I'm going to restore my clan... and destroy a certain someone," Sasuke announces from beside me. You could feel the tension in the air from his statements, making me frown at him disapprovingly.

"Okay then. Finally, it's your turn," Kakashi-sensei states, pointing towards me. I smile to try to ease the tension, straightening out my back.

"My name is Satomi Uchiha. I like reading and writing, and I dabble in a bit of cooking. I love my brothers a lot, as well. I don't necessarily hate anything, although some things do get on my nerves occasionally. As a hobby I train on the training grounds I went with my old sensei, and my dream for the future..." I say gently, gazing at my emotionless brother beside me.

"My dream for the future is to protect the things I love," I whisper, although I know everyone heard me say it. Kakashi-sensei once again has no reaction, merely staring at us indifferently.

"Alright, you're all very... unique individuals. Our first mission will be tomorrow at training grounds 7," Kakashi-sensei informs lazily. Naruto grins brightly, waving his hand in the air.

"Sensei! What will we be doing tomorrow, huh? Something super cool?!" Naruto exclaims excitedly. Kakashi-sensei chuckles darkly, lowering his head to shadow his face.

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