The Strength of the Weak - Chapter 13

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Satomi P.O.V.

After Kakashi-sensei had passed out from exhaustion, Naruto and Sasuke carried him all the way back to Tazuna's house, where all of us were now resting. We were all surrounding Kakashi-sensei, who was laying down on the ground with a cool cloth over his forehead.

"Guys! I think he's waking up!" Naruto shouts when he notices Kakashi-sensei starting to come to. I sigh as Sakura knocks him over the head, scolding him for yelling indoors. A small smile crosses my face when Kakashi-sensei opens his eyes, glancing at us all one at a time as the situation sinks in.

"What... What happened?" he asks groggily, struggling to sit up. Sasuke pushes him back down and I hand him a glass of water.

"Zabuza was killed by that tracker ninja and then you passed out from exhaustion," I briefly summarize. He sighs and puts a hand to his chin, a calculating look in his eyes.

"Now that I think it over... It was very suspicious how the tracker ninja took the body away from the crime scene, as well as the fact that he used senbon needles..." Kakashi-sensei speculates. We all look at him, confused, and think about what he said. Senbon needles? I mean they weren't typically used for killing someone but that doesn't mean that it couldn't kill you if used correctly. And as for him taking the body away, I don't see the problem.

"I don't understand what you're getting at," I admit. The rest of the team agrees with me causing Kakashi-sensei to sigh.

"Think about it. When tracker ninja dispose of a body, they do it on the spot as to not risk any information getting leaked. They wouldn't take the time to move the body in order to get the information. As for the senbon needles, it is possible for someone to put another person n a death like state if they hit the right points." When he gives us that information, my eyes widen and I clench my fist.

"So that must mean... Zabuza is still alive..." Sakura says, a forlorn look on her face. From behind me, Tazuna comes in, having heard our conversation.

"Aren't you overthinking this?" he asks uncertainly. Kakashi-sensei shakes his head.

"As a shinobi, you should always be prepared for the unexpected. Say we are overthinking this, then it is better to be safe than sorry. But if we believed that Zabuza was truly dead and we were suddenly attacked by him, we probably wouldn't survive, especially if that so-called 'tracker ninja' is in an alliance with him," he explains. I nod in agreement before another thought comes to my head.

"Kakashi-sensei, we barely survived a fight with him last time, and if he does have that other guy with him what are we supposed to do? Both of them are out of our league," I reason. Kakashi-sensei smiles and pats my head reassuringly, much to my dismay.

"From our last fight, we learned a lot about him and his fighting style. Plus, the only reason we survived that fight was because you all worked together. All of you have improved, especially you, Naruto. I'm proud to be called your sensei," he explains, praising the four of us with a closed eye smile.

"With that settled, tomorrow we will start training," Kakashi-sensei says, managing to sit up all the way. Sakura gasps from beside me.

"But sensei, how will you train us while you're injured?" She says. Kakashi sensei gives us a closed eye smile and tilts his head to the side.

"I have my methods."

Naruto, who seemed to still be stuck on the fact that Kakashi-sensei complimented his developing skills, stood up with a proud grin on his face.

"So you noticed, Kakashi-sensei!" I sigh at Naruto's obliviousness.

"I'm getting stronger and stronger... And soon I'll be the Hokage, believe it!" Naruto states with determination.

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