The Strength of the Weak - Chapter 27

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Satomi P.O.V.

"Well, well, well... it's been quite a while, hasn't it, Kakashi?" Orochimaru hisses, holding me up by my neck with his tongue. I struggle to breathe, gasping for breath in his grasp. Kakashi-sensei watches on in horror, as I'm slowly brought over to Orochimaru.

Getting closer to him, I can feel the panic in me rising, so I start thrashing around wildly with my two uninjured limbs. Orochimaru sighs at my pathetic attempt at escape, closing his tongue around my neck even harder.

"Weren't we in the same position just a few days ago?" Orochimaru taunts, bringing a hand to my face delicately. I cringe at his touch, not having the strength to get away.

"Put my student down!" Kakashi-sensei demands, pulling out a kunai. Orochimaru's eyes flicker to him, making him sigh in discontent.

"Soon, Satomi will be in my possession. She will come to me seeking power... power that only I can give her," Orochimaru hisses. I spit in his face, glaring into his eyes with as much hate as I could muster.

"G-Go to h-hell..."

Orochimaru clicks his tongue, slamming me against the ground injured side first. I scream in agony as I feel the severed tendons in my arm and calf burn in severe pain. Kakashi-sensei growls, throwing his kunai at Orochimaru.

He sighs and lifts me back up, having me take the kunai to the shoulder as if I were a human shield. I grunt in pain, watching as Kakashi-sensei's eyes fill with guilt.

"What do you want with Sasuke and Satomi?" Kakashi-sensei hisses. Orochimaru smirks, throwing my body out towards Kakashi-sensei like I was trash. Kakashi-sensei dives to catch me as I heave fresh breaths of air.

"I want just what you have... the sharingan," Orochimaru reveals. He wants my sharingan? Does he really think I would go to him for power when he is secretly planning to take my sharingan? I'm not as easily swayed as my brother... you couldn't tell me that I would get the power to kill my brother and I'd immediately give up my whole life. No way.

Orochimaru chuckles and flicks his gaze down to me.

"Satomi may be a little more difficult to convince than Sasuke... but a little birdie told me that you, my dear Satomi, have the mangekyo sharingan. That makes me want you even more than Sasuke," Orochimaru says. My body starts shaking with fear, eyes wide as I stare into the eyes of Orochimaru.

The eyes of the devil.

"Neither of them will be leaving Konoha for you!" Kakashi-sensei states with confidence, placing me down next to Sasuke's unconscious body.

"Are you sure about that? Satomi here already knows that I can give her the power to kill Itachi Uchiha," Orochimaru says. I scoff at his ignorance, earning a curious gaze from Kakashi-sensei.

"O-Orochimaru... you're a fool. I don't care about killing I-Itachi. At all. This power you offer me... I have no need for it, especially if you're just using it to take my sharingan! I will get stronger of my own accord... not from your sick ways!"

"Perhaps I won't get you... but Sasuke is much easier to convince, is he not?" Orochimaru muses, taking a step forwards. Kakashi-sensei tenses, beginning to form his chidori in his hand.

"Don't take one step closer to my students, or one of us will die here!" he declares. Orochimaru chuckles at his efforts, glancing once more at me and Sasuke before disappearing into the shadows with no trace.

With Orochimaru's departure, Kakashi-sensei releases a sigh of relief, letting his jutsu disperse. Staring into the shadows, I can't help but imagine Orochimaru being there and staring straight into my soul. The thought alone brings tears to my eyes.

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