The Strength of the Weak - Chapter 6

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Satomi P.O.V.

My eyes flutter open, a heavy feeling in my heart, like always. It's been four years since Itachi killed the clan... a hard four years. Sasuke has become distant, and rarely ever talks anyone but me nowadays.

"Sasuke-kun, it's time for school," I call softly through the hallway, waiting until I heard movement from Sasuke's room to go back into my own bedroom to get changed. Sighing, I slip on my sleeveless dark blue shirt, the standard Uchiha clan symbol printed across my back, as well as a high collar covering my neck.

Fishnet armor covers my arms, keeping them safe in case I was attacked. Opening my drawer, I pull out a pair of black pants that end just below the knees, the rest of my uncovered leg being wrapped in bandages. A pair of dark blue ninja sandals lay next to my door, which I slip over my feet, then swiftly attach my kunai pouch on my left thigh.

Glancing in the mirror, I frown at my reflection. I was pale, like many Uchihas are, and my hair was as straight as Itachi's used to be. It was never cut, and I like to keep my bangs swept to the right. I looked just like an Uchiha, yet I felt detached from my clan's origins, since there are virtually none of us left.

"Satomi, I'm about to head out," Sasuke states from somewhere in the house, before a door is slid shut, presumably Sasuke leaving for school. I blink and sigh, making my way to the kitchen to grab breakfast. Sasuke could have at least waited for me...

Opening the fridge, I find myself reaching for a peach, as I do every day. Glancing over the house once more, I make my way towards the academy after Sasuke, eating my peach as I do so. Students gather from many directions, most with a group of friends.

As for me... I don't have friends. The day after my clan had died, I went to the academy while Sasuke stayed home so I could get work for him. Naruto had heard about what happened to my clan so he stayed away, but I always noticed the glances he would give me. It was like a mutual understanding between us, where we would acknowledge each other's company but wouldn't say anything. I appreciated that from him.

"No way, Ino-pig! I'M sitting next to Sasuke!" a shrill voice echoed. I blink and continue on my way, not flinching when something alike a stampede hurls past me towards the classroom. Ino Yamanaka and Sakura Haruno were arguing in the doorway over who would sit next to my brother.

"Give it up, Forehead, I won't give up that seat to you!" Ino mocks, the blonde kunoichi-in-training scowling. I brush past the two, gently sitting in the seat next to Sasuke. My brother doesn't even acknowledge me, instead staring straight ahead.

I glance at him in the corner of my eye, taking in his scowling expression with a heavy heart. He was still brewing the hatred in his heart, something that I did not like. It was going to ruin him someday.

"Alright, class! Settle down," Iruka-sensei enters, placing his papers on the desk in the front of the room. Ino and Sakura look towards where I was sitting, next to Sasuke, practically deflating in their shoes.

"Aw, man! We were too late again..." Sakura whines, following after Ino to the opposite side of the room. Sasuke remains indifferent, making me sigh silently in my seat. He really needed some friends or something.

"As you all know, the graduation exam is coming up tomorrow! The exam will consist of-" Iruka-sensei was cut off by a chunin bursting through the room. The only likely solution is that Naruto was up to something again.

"Iruka! Naruto has gone and defiled the Hokage heads!" he informs, glaring at Iruka as if he had done it. Iruka groans and runs a hand over his face in a tired manner.

"Hai... I'll go get him. Class, study for the exams tomorrow, I'll be back in a minute!" Iruka-sensei grumbles, running off to go find Naruto and bring him to class. The rest of the class, as expected, begins to disperse as they conversed with their friends. Sakura and Ino make their way to where I was sitting, not taking their eyes off of Sasuke.

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