Errmm, Come Again?! (1)

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  • Dedicated to Madison Breene Horan <3 My bestest friend in the whole entire world!

Chapter 1

"It's gotta be Louuuuuuuu only Louuuuuu" Breene and I looked at each other at the same time without even thinking we both scream "LONG LIVE LARRY STYLINSON!!!" at the top of our lungs then burst out laughing! We can read each other’s minds when it comes to our boys! Our boys being the most famous worldwide boy band One Direction! "Massive thank you Fort Lauderdale!!! It has been an honour for us Brits, and Nialler of course too, to headline our whole tour in this wonderful country of the United States of America!!!" Louis's accent was killing me. ^Eleanor is one dang lucky girl^ I thought to myself processing Lou's goodbye speech. This was there last concert. In America. For about 6 months. No more gifs from concerts. No more hotel sightings. No more Twitcams or hip thrusts. No mor "AHHH!" I snapped out of my thought as Breene let out a bloodcurdling scream! Next thing I knew something hit me in the head and I couldn't see. I reached up to my face to see what hit me. It was a blazer. His blazer. Harry Styles' freaking blazer. This had to be a mistake! Did the boys strip him again? I look up and see someone returning my stare. Harry styles just smirked at my clearly shocked appearance. "AHHHHH! I CAN'T BELIEVE HE GAVE THAT TO YOUUU!!!! IT STILL SMELLS LIKE HIMM!!!" Breene wasn't even breathing properly. She was hyperventilating and sobbing, out of happiness, for me. I hadn't even processed what happened. I must be dreaming. All of a sudden the stage went dark. ^This proves I’m dreaming^ I thought to myself. But i felt a pang in my stomach as I looked up and realized something... The boys were gone. Josh Sexy Butt Devine was finishing up the end of ‘I Want’. They were gone. Still in shock of gaining the blazer in my direction-day-dream, I feel Breene pull my arm and drag me out while slipping the blazer on myself. She started running. "Why the heck are we running?! I'm not the soccer player here!!" I scream at her trying to keep up. But then, I heard it. "THERE SHE IS!!! GET HER!!!" I turn around to see about the whole population of the entire world chasing after us. "Why would they-" I began, then I looked down. Holy crap. The blazer. I wasn't imagining this. I actually had the Harry Styles' blazer. Damn. This isn't good. It suddenly turned into something serious. A fun lighthearted concert quickly turned into a life or death situation. Harry must've wanted to kill me. After blowing my innocence to bits repeatedly, he still had it out for me. Geez, he's a trouble maker! Before I knew it I surpassed Breene running. I guess my instinct was flight rather than fight! I grabbed her and took a sharp right into the Ritz Carlton. We quickly got on the elevator. "Why are we in this elevator?! We aren't even staying here?!" "Did you wanna get mugged because of me?! Hellooooo wearing Harry's blazer here!!" I gestured to the oversized navy blue jacket that smelled like heaven. Harry heaven. "I'm sorry I didn't wanna get us into trouble this was our best option!" "Do you even hear yourself?! You are practically complaining about Harry giving you his blazer! Harry freaking Styles have you a piece of his clothing straight from his body, and you are complaining & apologizing?! Seriously?!" "Yeah!! I love Harry and all, but he knew what he was doing!! He caused this!! He's the reason tha-" I was cut off by the ding of the elevator. We were at the top floor: floor 210. And someone was getting in. No it wasn't just someone. It was the most famous baby in the world. It was Lux.

I looked at Breene and my eyes were screaming! She returned the look! One Direction's stylist and her adorable baby were in the elevator with us. With us. She pressed the lobby button ^oh great^ turned around and immediately recognized the blazer. Let the interrogation begin. "Umm hun, where did you get that blazer?" she shifted Lux to the other hip to have her arm closest to me free to touch Harry's blazer. Well, my blazer now. "Ermm, funny story really, see I was at the concert and Harry sorta uhh threw it over my head." I just realized how much I talk like Harry. I guess after hearing his voice so much I picked his dialect up. "HE DID WHAT?!" Oooo she was pissed. I would be too, if I custom made and designed a blazer for someone I would be too! This time Breene spoke up, she could probably hear my heart racing and sense my nervousness. I hated when adults were mad. The worst thing I could do was disappoint an adult that I respected. My gaze drifted to Lux.

"She's not lying, he did! I saw the whole thing. When we get to the lobby you can ask the mob of jealous directionaters that chased us in here! I'm sure they are still looking for us outside!" "Oh, well, sorry for snapping at you, I'm Lou by the way! And this is Lux!" She said Lux so prettily! It sounded more like looks because of her terrific accent! Once again Breene spoke for me, "Oh no problem! It's nice to meet you! I'm Breene and this is my best friend Grace! As you can see, she's still in shock! It's been an eventful night!" Finally I could speak again, that nervous restricting feeling in my throat was gone, I guess Lux calmed me down. "It's nice to meet you. I'm sorry I'm being so rude, but like Breene said, I'm still quite awestruck! Lux is beautiful by the way!" My accent sounded so shabby and especially country compared to hers. Lux just started cooing as I spoke. She must like my redneck sounding speech.

"That's and interesting accent you have there Grace! Nothing like I've heard here in Ft. Lauderdale! Where you from hun?" "Breene and I are from South Carolina! We were in Orlando on vacation and we decided to go to the concert tonight!" "Oh, that’s lovely! We passed through there when we left from North Carolina! We stopped in a small town called uhh Florentine Florina errmm-" "Florence?!" Breene and I both said at the same time. "Why yes! You've heard of it?!" "Heard of it! Pshh that's where we're from!!" Breene spoke excitedly! I just stood there with my jaw on the floor in shock for the like millionth time tonight! ^Florence?! They passed through the one time we weren't in that crap town! Dang it. That's just our luck!!^ I thought disappointedly.

At this point we were nearing the lobby. Floor 81 to be exact, so not really. Conversation died down pretty much after she complimented our town because Lux starting crying out of tiredness so we had to be quiet. That when I felt it, or rather I didn’t feel it. I realized that strange vibrating feeling was gone. I figured my legs were just so numb from running that they feel asleep all the way to my butt. I pulled my phone out and it was practically smoking. My mentions on Twitter had blown up. Most of it was hate. Like mean, hurtful, below the belt blow kinda hate. I started reading some of the tweets and I could feel my eyes getting a stinging sensation. No I'm not gonna cry in this elevator with lux and her mom here. I felt Breene nudge my arm. Her eyes were piercing into mine wide with concern, and something odd was flickering in them too. Perhaps it was hurt, or anger, and even hate. She held her phone so tightly in her hand her knuckles turned white. She. was. pissed.

Authors Note: Hey peoples(: Please leave feedback! Good or bad I don't care! I would love tips and ratings and comments etc.! Hope you enjoyed it Chapter 1!

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