An awkward moment

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Slightly inappropriate content in this chapter !
Do NOT read if you are under the age of 18 !!


It had been two months since Starscream had taken you. You still missed your old life, but you were getting used to living with a giant, alien robot.

"Hey Starscream, whatcha got in the box?" You asked Starscream as he walked into his berthroom with a cardboard box.

"Oh, just some human stuff for you. But could you explain what some of it is?" Starscream asked you.

"I thought you knew everything about humans because of your 'hobby'?" You asked him curiously.

"Well I don't know everything about you fleshies." Starscream sneered.

"Alright Starscream, I'll explain what this stuff is." You said.

Starscream set the box on his desk and you climbed up the latter he got you.

"Thank you so much for bringing me this." You said as your E/c eyes widened.

"Well?" Starscream asked you.

"Cool, you got Wolf Children and Spirit Stallion Of The Cimarron on dvd. But why is there a Barney the Dinosaur doing in here?" You asked Starscream curiously.

"Look, I just picked the box up, I didn't care what was in it!" Starscream said as he rolled his optics.

"Okay, moving on. This red bag is called a hand bag and us female humans use these when we go shopping." You said as you pulled the red handbag out of the box.

You continued to explain what things were and Starscream would ask questions. And you finally came to the last object in the box. It was a medium velvet box with a ribbon tied around it but when you opened it you didn't know what Starscream was thinking or how to explain what was inside.

"Starscream .......... why is there a brand new vibrator here?" You asked him as you tried not to blush.

"What's a 'vibrator'?" Starscream asked you as he raised an optic ridge.

"W-well, you see ......... Ugh, how do I say this....Well, it's kind of used as 'entertainment' for adult humans." You said as you stuttered.

"First off, why are you turning red and second, what do you mean by entertainment?" Starscream asked you curiously.

"W-well, us female humans sometimes d-don't have a husband or a boyfriend so when we're aroused we use these instead, we call it masturbation." You said as you tried to explain what a vibrator was for.

His eyes went wide after he thought about what you had just said. Then he started to glitch (he had already explained what glitching was)

"Oh my, maybe I shouldn't of told him what masturbating is." You said to yourself as you looked at him before you put everything in the box away.

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