He spends time alone with your daughter

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Today you were going shopping and you put Starscream in charge of watching Luna. So far he hadn't really been alone with her very often, so he was nervous. After you left Starscream wasn't sure what to do.

"Um, so, what would you like to do Luna?" Starscream asked her nervously.

"I want to play tea party!" Luna said happily.

"Um, sure?" Starscream asked, having no idea of what he had gotten himself into.

Luna dragged Starscream to her room and told him to wait while she got an outfit ready. She had picked out a silver tutu, a red cape and a crown and made him wear them while she wore a purple tutu and a tiara.

"Alright sire, you sit here while I go get the tea." Luna said as she grabbed her little teapot and walked out of her room.

After a couple of minutes Luna came back with her little teapot filled with water and sat down.

"Sire, would you like some tea?" She asked him sweetly.

"Um, sure." Starscream said awkwardly.

Luna filled his teacup with water and filled hers as well.

~ Time skip brought to you by Starscream's lustrous finnish ~

After you got back home and put the groceries away you went to go look for Starscream and Luna. When you heard talking in Luna's bedroom you peeked in and saw Starscream in a cape, crown and tutu so you quickly grabbed your camera and took a picture then went in the room.

"Well, well, it looks like you both have been having fun." You said as you smirked.

"Yes mama, I got sire to dress up and have a tea party with me!" Luna said as her E/c eyes sparkled.

"Y/n..... It's not what you think!" Starscream said as though he had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"Uh huh, sure it isn't, Screamer." You said as you rolled your E/c eyes.

"Sit by me, mama." Luna said as she patted the spot next to her.

You sat down next to Luna and she made you wear a Princess hat. You three played tea party till lunch time.

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