When he shrinks

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Today, you had decided to have a baking day since Starscream was busy messing with something in his lab. So here you were, pouring cake batter in a pan when you heard a scream from down the hall, so you decided to see if he was okay.

"Starscream, are you okay?
I heard you scream and- Starscream? Where are you?" You asked when you got to his lab.

All you saw was a puddle of pink liquid and something about three inches tall in the middle of it so you went over to check it out.

"Starscream, is that you?" You asked when you saw a tiny version of Starscream.

"Of course it's me, fleshy!" Starscream snarled at you.

"What happened to you?" You asked him curiously.

"I was working on a potion to turn both the Autobots and Decepticons three inches tall when I accidentally knocked over the vile over and it spilled on me, thankfully it should wear off in an hour." Starscream told you.

"Oh, okay." You said, thankful that he was okay.

"Unfortunately now I'm dirty." Starscream said as he looked at himself.

"You should take a bath." You told him.

"I suppose you are right." He sighed.

So you offered your hand and he got on and you both made your way to your bathroom. You then started to fill the sink with warm water and some bubbles.

"Okay Starscream, bath time." You said with a smile.

"What did you do to the water?" Starscream asked you when he saw the bubbles.

"Well, I added some bubbles so you could experience a bubble bath." You said.

You then put Starscream in the sink and washed him, being careful about his wings. After you dried him you brought him down to the kitchen.

"Starscream, since you shrank while I was baking you'll have to stay with me until you turn back." You told him.

"Oh, alright." He grumbled.

You put the cake in the oven and set the timer. Starscream curiously watched you as you put the cake into your oven and set the timer.

"So Starscream, are Cybertroinians ticklish?" You suddenly asked him.

His eyes went wide as you gently grabbed him and started running your finger over the areas that humans were ticklish, apparently Cybertroinians are ticklish. He started laughing, he kinda sounded like a smurf on helium.

"Hahahaha St-st-stop!" Starscream said as he laughed.

"Not until you say uncle." You said with a smile.

"Alright, alright, UNCLE!" Starscream managed to say.

You then stopped tickling him, but at least you now knew that he was ticklish.

"What was THAT for?!" Starscream asked you.

"Sorry Starscream, I just thought you needed a good laugh." You said as you blushed a little.

After a few minutes you went up to your room and grabbed your camera and Rarity (you had found her in a box of stuff Starscream had brought you).

"Hey Starscream, can you please sit on Rarity?" You asked as you put her near him.

"Why would you ask me to sit on a human child's toy?" He asked you.

"Because I want to take a picture of how tiny you are." You said.

"Oh, very well." He then got on Rarity and posed and you took his picture.

"Thanks Starscream." You said after you took the picture.

"I suppose you are welcome." Starscream said.

Just then the timer rang so you got the cake out of the oven to cool after you got your oven mits on.

"What is that thing?" Starscream asked you when he saw the cake.

"It's called a cake, Starscream." You told him.

"What is it for?" Starscream then asked you.

"It's for eating, it's also very sweet." You told him.

                ~ Mini time skip ~

The cake had cooled off and you frosted it, then Starscream had put sprinkles on the top.

"Hey Starscream, would you like to play a game while we wait for you to turn back to normal?" You asked him curiously.

"I suppose, what kind of game?" He asked you.

"Hide and seek, in my room though." You said happily.

Very well." He said as you picked him up and went up to your room.

"I'll count to twenty and you hide." You told Starscream once you got to your bedroom,

"Very well." Starscream said as you started counting and he transformed and flew up to your open dresser drawer to hide when he found a very strange object.

"What the frag is this?" He asked as he picked up your sock and decided to hide in it.

You finnished counting and started looking for him, you looked under the covers on your bed, under your bed, night stand and dresser, then you noticed a drawer open.

So you opened it all the way and you saw something in one of your socks.

"Ha, I finally found you Starscream." You said ad you looked at your lumpy sock.

"How did you know that I was hiding in there?" Starscream asked you as he got out of your sock.

"Because socks aren't lumpy." You said.

"Is that what that thing was?! It had better of been clean!" Starscream said angrily.

"Don't worry Screamer, it is." You said as you then noticed the time, Starscream your about to change back.

"What's wrong now?" Starscream asked you.

"It's almost time for you to go back to your normal hight, you should get out of here." You told Starscream.

"You're right, I had better get out of here." Starscream said as he transformed and flew to the middle of his room when he was surrounded by a bright light and then he was back to normal.

"Ah, back to normal." Starscream said as he got into his holoform and met you back in your kitchen.

"Well Y/n may I try some of that
cake?" Starscream asked you politely.

"Of course Starscream." You said as you cut him a piece and he grabbed his fork and took a bite.

You then started to eat your own piece. You smiled as you tasted how good the cake was.

"Well, how is it?" You asked Starscream.

"This is one of the best things I've tasted in my onlineing." Starscream said as he ate the piece quickly and asked for seconds, which he got but you wouldn't give him thirds because you didn't want him to get a stomach ache.

"I'm glad you like it Starscream." You said with a smile.

You both then went to watch a movie and you both fell asleep on the couch.

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