He meets a little kid

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"Hey Starscream, can we go for a walk in the forest again?" You asked Starscream on a fine spring day.

"Of course we can, I'm not doing anything today." Starscream said he said before giving you a quick kiss .

You both went outside where he deactivated his holoform and transformed so you both could go.
After a while he landed and you got out and he activated his holoform.

"Hey Starscream, look, it's a Monarch butterfly. Isn't it pretty?" You asked as you took a picture of it.

"Yes, it is quite lovely, for an insect." Starscream said.

You both continued walking for a while and looking at the wildlife when suddenly you both saw a little girl about five or six run up to both of you.

"Can you both please help me? I got lost from my mommy and daddy." The little girl asked you and Starscream.

"Of course sweetie, what's your name?" You asked her.

"My name is Alice, what's yours?" Alice asked you curiously.

"My name is Y/n and this is Seth." You said in a friendly tone.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Alice asked you.

"Yes, he is." You said proudly.

"Are you going to marry him?" Alice asked you.

"W-well, I'm not sure yet. It depends if he asks me or not, now, lets find your parents." You said as you tried not to blush.

You all started walking towards the campgrounds. You didn't expect to be helping a kid find her parents, but you were thankful that you and Starscream had found her before some creepy person did.

"I'm getting tired, can I have a piggy back ride?" Alice asked you and Starscream after about an hour of walking.

"Of course, Seth, can you give Alice a piggy back ride?" You asked Starscream, a smirk appearing on your face.

"Yes, of course." Starscream said as he kneeled down and Alice climbed on his back and held on.

Then you both started walking again. You could tell that Starscream wasn't thrilled to give a kid a piggy back ride, but he didn't say anything about it.

"So Alice, what do your parents look like?" You asked her.

"My mommy has brown hair and brown eyes like me and my daddy has black hair and brown eyes." Alice told you.

You and Starscream chatted with Alice until you both reached the campgrounds where you saw a couple running up to you.

"Alice, we were so worried about you! Where have you been?" Alice's mom asked her.

"I'm sorry mommy, I saw a butterfly and wanted to catch it but I got lost." Alice said as as Starscream carefully let her off of his back.

"We're just glad you came back safe." Alice's dad said.

"Thank you both so much for bringing her back, we were worried something happened to her." Alice's mom told you and Starscream.

"It's no problem, Seth and I were walking when she ran up to us and she told us what you both looked like and that she got lost from your camping space." You said as you smiled.

"Well, thank you again, for bringing her back safely." Alice's mom said as she smiled.

"See you both later, and thanks for bringing me back to my parents." Alice said as she and her parents started walking away..

"You're welcome." You said as you and Starscream started heading for home.

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