Visiting Luna and Steeljaw

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After you and Starscream became sparkmates he wanted to take you to Cybertron so that he could take his rightful place as King of Vos and you his Queen. You had buried your human body and left a grave stone made of rock with your name carved into it. Once you were done you both transformed and flew to the large house that Steeljaw and Luna were raising their kids in. Once you both arrived Steeljaw's holoform and Luna came out of the house and saw you and Starscream transform. Luna still looked like she was in her late twenties since she would age slower because she is Techno Organic.

"Sire, who is that with you and what happened to my mom?" Luna asked Starscream nervously.

"Luna, your mother died." Starscream said sadly.

Once Starscream told Luna you had 'died' she started crying.

"Luna, my human body died, Knockout made me a Seeker femme body so I could stay with your sire." You told Luna.

"Mom, is it really you?" Luna asked you.

"Yes Luna, it's really me. How have you been doing?" You asked her.

"Good, Steeljaw, our kids and I were just getting finished with lunch when you both got here." She told you.

"Luna, we have something else to tell you." Starscream said.

"What is it?" Luna asked him.

"Well, first off we just spark bonded yesterday." You said happily.

"OMG congratulations mom, now you and sire can really be together forever." Luna said as a huge smile appeared on her face.

"But we are leaving for Cybertron."  Starscream said.

"But I'll never get to see you both again if you go." Luna said as her smile dissapeared.

"Don't worry Luna, we will be able to visit since Starscream is going to help build a space bridge in Vos." You told her.

"Really, you both promise to visit during the holidays?" Luna asked you and Starscream.

"Yes, we both promise, no matter what." You said.

"Alright mom, I guess I'll see you and sire during Christmas vacation." Luna said happily.

"Alright sweetspark, see you then." Starscream told Luna.

After you all said your goodbyes you and Starscream headed for Knockout's ship. Knockout would be taking you and Starscream straight to Vos.

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