You become Cybertronian

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                  ~  Your P.O.V ~

All you could see was darkness, until you saw a light.

"Hello, is anyone there?" You called out to the light.

You walked to the light until you saw what appeared to be a Cybertronian.

"Who are you?" You asked the light.

"I am Primus." Primus said.

"Primus?" You asked him.

"Yes, I am here to tell you that you will be transferred from your human body to a Cybertronian so you may stay with your mate." Primus told you.

" I'm dead right now?" You asked him.

"Yes child, but not for much longer." Primus told you.

"But I'm old." You said sadly.

"When you become Cybertronian you will be young again." Primus said.

Suddenly you felt something pulling you back to reality.

                  ~ Normal P.O.V. ~

Knockout, Breakdown and Starscream had successfully transferred your consciousness to the Seeker femme body and you were just now waking up. You blinked your O/c optics and groaned.

"S-Starscream is that you?" You asked him.

"Yes Y/n, how do you feel?" Starscream asked you.

"Well, for someone who died then got transferred to a Cybertronian body, I'd say a little sore and dizzy." You told him.

"You should be feeling well enough to walk here soon." Knockout told you.

"Y/n, you look absolutely beautiful." Starscream told you.

"Thanks." You said as your cooling fans came on when you blushed.

Thankfully your voice sounded like it did when you were in your early  twenties and not like it did when you were old, but it also sounded slightly metallic now.

"Starscream, what do I look like?" You asked him.

"You'll see soon enough, my dear." Starscream said as he smiled.

After a few hours of Knockout monitoring your vitals, telling you how to consume energon and how to be a Cybertronian. Then you were given the go ahead to stand up. Starscream helped you stand and after a few minutes of wobbling you got the hang of walking. When you noticed that you had stilettos, just like Starscream's old ones. You also saw that you had F/c armor with S/f/c highlights.

The only difference between Starscream's old body type and your new one was that you had breastplates.

"Wow, I look great." You said.

Later on Knockout gave you a cube of low grade energon. You didn't like it, but Starscream reassured you that regular energon tasted way better.

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