Valentine's Day/first kiss

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Today was Valentine's Day so you were making a cake to suprise Starscream with, little did you know that he had a surprise for you as well.

"Y/n, where are you?" Starscream asked, coming into his berthroom.

"In the kitchen Screamer." You said.

"Oh." Starscream said as his holoform appeared next to you.

"What holiday are you celebrating now?" Starscream asked when he saw the cake that you were decorating.

"Today is Valentine's Day so I made this cake." You said happily.

Starscream had read about Valentine's day and had gotten a few ideas of what he could do for you.

"That looks delicious. But I must ask you to wait here. I have some suprises for you today, my dear." Starscream told you.

"Okay." You said as you finished decorating the cake.

Starscream then went to your bathroom and drew you a bath. He also laid a trail of rose petals on the floor. Then he laid your formal dress out on your bed and put a pair of silver high heels next to it. Then he went back to your kitchen.

"Alright Y/n, go and see your suprise. I have some things to do." Starscream told you.

"Alright." You said as you headed up to your bedroom and saw the dress and shoes, then you saw a trail of rose petals that lead to your bathroom.

You then saw that Starscream had gotten a bath ready for you and you also saw a note.

'Dear Y/n, I've planned an evening out tonight so please take a bath and do your hair and get dressed, I will be back to pick you up at 7:00. Love, Starscream.'

"Well, I didn't see that coming. You said as you got into the bath and relaxed for a little while.

As you washed up you wondered what Starscream had planned. After that you dried off and curled your hair, then you got dressed. You were waiting for Starscream when he came in at 7:00 wearing a silver suit with a red tie.

"Well, don't you look nice tonight." You said as you looked at his holoform.

"I would have to say the same about you, my dear. Now lets go." Starscream said.

He deactivated his holoform, carefully picked you up and went outside. He then transformed and you carefully got in and he flew to Seattle and transformed just outside of the city.

"Starscream, are we in Seattle?" You asked him curiously.

"Yes my, dear. I got us reservations at the Space Needle." Starscream said.

"Starscream, thank you so much.  I've always wanted to eat there, but how can you afford all this?" You asked him.

"I found a wallet full of money." Starscream said as he started walking, not giving you time to scold him about taking someone else's wallet.

You both got a taxi and drove to the Space Needle. When you both finally got there and ordered your food, you both ordered salmon.

"Mmm, this is so good, thank you so much Starscream. This means a lot to me." You said as you started to eat.

"You are welcome, Y/n." Starscream said as he ate.

You both finished your food and he paid. Then you both went home. After you both got home Starscream activated his holoform again.

"Y/n, I'm glad we went there." Starscream said.

"So am I Starscream." You said as you smiled.

"Y/n, is what we just did considered a 'date'?" Starscream asked you curiously.

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