You get a minor injury

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Today you were cutting an apple to go with your lunch when Starscream decided to come and watch you.

"So Y/n, what are you doing?" Starscream asked you curiously.

"Well, I'm cutting this apple to go along with my lunch." You said as you looked at him.

You were so caught up with talking To Starscream that you weren't paying attention to what you were doing, that is until you accidentally cut your finger with the knife. You then rushed over to the sink to run it under cold water to stop the bleeding.

"Y/n, are you alright?" Starscream asked you when he noticed that you had hurt yourself.

"No Starscrea, I cut my finger with the knife and now I'm bleeding and in pain." You said as your finger continued to bleed.

"Oh Primus!" Your finger isn't going to fall off is it?!" Starscream asked you as he began to panic.

"No Starscream, it's not that bad, but could you go in my bathroom and grab a bandaid and some Neosporin
out of the first aid kit?" You asked him nicely.

"Of course, it's the white box with the red cross, correct?" He asked you

"Yes." You replied.

Starscream then activated his holoform and went to grab the items you needed. Thankfully he found everything easily.

"Thank you so much Starscream." You said when he returned.

"You are welcome Y/n, how long will it take for you to heal?" He asked you.

"Probably about a week or so, assuming it doesn't get infected." You said, hoping that you would be alright.

"So far from what I've learned about you humans getting infected is like when we get rust." Starscream said as he shuttered at the thought of getting rust.

"Yeah, I guess so. Anyway, thanks again Starscream." You said as you smiled.

Starscream x Reader ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now