You both go to the park

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Today Starscream had built a device to open a groundbridge anywhere without the main controls so he decided to take you out.

"Y/n, are you ready to go?" Starscream asked you.

"Yes Starscream, where exactly are we going?" You asked him curiously.

"To what you humans call a 'park'." He replied.

"Cool, I haven't been to a park in ages." You said happily.

Starscream then carefully picked you up and carried you outside. He opened the groundbridge outside the Harbinger and you both came out on the outskirts of a park in California.

"Starscream, are we in California?" You asked him as you looked around.

"Yes, we are." Starscream said as he activated his holoform.

You and Starscream walked to the park and sat down in the grass. You both saw couples walking, kids playing and some people walking their dogs.

"So Starscream, have you ever been to a park before?" You asked him curiously.

"No, I don't have time for such things." Starscream said.

"Oh , when I was a kid me and my mom and sometimes my friends would go to the park and we would swing on the swings or slide down the slide or even go on the teeter totter." You told him.

Just then a puppy ran up to both you and Starscream and started sniffing and licking your hand.

"Hey there little one, your so cute. Where's your owner?" You asked as the puppy looked at you and rolled on her back so you could rub her tummy.

"Aww, Starscream, don't you think she's cute?" You asked Starscream as you pet the puppy.

"I suppose so." Starscream said, not willing to admit that an animal was cute.

Then you saw a couple run up to you both.

"Hey, is this your puppy?" You asked the woman.

"Yes, she is, thank you for catching her. I hope she didn't bother you both." The woman said.

"No, she didn't. I used to pet sit before I moved to another town with by boyfriend." You told her.

"I'm glad to hear that." The woman said as she said as she hooked the puppy back into the leash.

"What's her name?" You asked the woman.

"Her name is Muffin." The woman replied.

"That's such a cute name!" You said.

"Thanks, anyway. Thanks again for catching her." The woman said as she and her husband left with Muffin.

After about an hour of eating then walking around the park you both went home.



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