When you're sad

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C/n means City name


Today you kept thinking about your family and friends you left behind, sure you had a huge crush on Starscream and you were pretty sure he had one on you but you really missed the people you left behind.
When Starscream came in the room you were in (you were in the energon storage room) he saw you crying your eyes out and it made his spark ache.

"Y/n, why are your eyes leaking?" He asked you.

"H-hey Starscream, it's called crying and it's because I didn't get to say goodbye to my friends and family, I just wish I had left a letter telling them goodbye and that I love them." You said as you cried.

"Well why don't you write a letter? I will fly you were you want to leave it." Starscream said, hoping that you would stop crying.

"Thank you Starscream." You said before you went to write a long letter and put it in an envelope.

     ~ time skip to your destination ~

You had Starscream fly you to C/n so you could put the letter in your parent's mail box since they weren't home. Starscream had been in his holoform to accompany you to their home.

"So is this where you were raised?" Starscream asked you as he looked at your parent's house.

"No, I was raised in Connell, but after my parents started getting older they moved to this house unfortunately their car is gone." You said as you looked at the empty driveway.

"Well since they are gone we might as well head back to the Harbinger." He said.

"Alright Starscream." You said as you followed him.

             ~ another time skip ~

You both had arrived back at the Harbinger and he activated his holoform.

"Thank you Starscream, for letting me write a letter saying goodbye." You said as you smiled.

"You are welcome, Y/n." He said as he smiled back at you.

Starscream x Reader ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now