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john stood at his locker, putting his text books back in it so he didn't have to lug them back home. when he closed his locker, he jumped, getting scared by the boy standing next to his locker. "what do you want, jim?" he asked harshly as he put his book bag on, turning away from the boy.

jim smirked and grabbed his elbow, pulling him back then pushing him against the lockers. "we have a date tonight, remember?" he asked as he leaned in closer to john.

john pushed him away roughly. "i said i'm done with you." john said and walked away, faster this time.

jim chased after john. "baby, i'm sorry. i didn't mean to shout the other day." he said and wrapped an arm around john's waist.

"i don't care!" john said and stopped walking, moving away from jim. "i don't want to be with you any more." he said.

"you sure?" jim said as he got closer. "i'm the only way you can get away from daddy." he said.

john backed up until he hit a wall, watching jim's moves carefully.

"there's no one else for you john," jim grinned and got closer. "and we have a deal." he said. "now, you're going to walk out with me, get in my car, and we're going to go do what every you want. how does that sound.

john nodded out of fear. he remembered the last time he ran away from jim, he got a good smack to the head. "o-okay." he said shakily.

"good." jim smiled and stepped back, holding john's hand. they walked out of the school and to jim's car. john got in and took his math text book out, starting his homework. jim scoffed when he got in the car. "is that like a nessecity to you or something?" he asked.

"i would like to graduate top in my class because people look at that stuff." he said, not looking up from his paper.

"such a nerd." jim said then started the car. "so, what do you want to do?" jim asked.

john shrugged. "i guess we can go to the cinema." he said softly.

"alright, cinema then." jim said then turned to radio on, pulling out of the car park.

the ride was quiet, except the faint sound of the radio that was playing the abnoxious pop songs that every one listened to these days. john focused on his maths during the ride, more worried about graduating valadictorian than seeing some stupid movie. he also didn't want to look at jim, or talk to jim. he didn't know why he agreed to the stupid deal jim made. for sex and sometimes cash, jim would take john away from his drunken father. john used to retorte to going to the park, but his father would find him and drag him back to the house. there were other places, but people like jim hung out there and john didn't feel like getting his things stolen from him again. there was a library, but in order to get there it cost money, and john didn't have much money. his mother killed herself four years ago and his sister left three months after she died because she was finally eighteen. in order to cope with the death of his wife, john's father drank. he drank his sadness away then took his anger out on his kids, well now kid.

they pulled up to the cinema and jim got out, being a gentleman for once and opening the door for john. that was just his poor way of apologizing for shouting yesterday and throwing a bottle at john's head. john got out, setting his book and spiral in his seat. he let jim hold his hand, not wanting to piss him off tonight, especially sonce it was friday and he was having friends over. when he had friends over, he let john stay in the guest room and do his own stuff while him and his friends did stuff. one night, john pissed jim off and he fucked him in front of every body. he couldn't do anything about it because they were holding him down, so basically it was rape.

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