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when they got back to the watson household, they took in all the groceries and set them on the kitchen table. as john started cooking, sherlock started putting everything away, cleaning a bit as did. before john actually started making dinner, he went into the living room and turned on the record player, putting an upbeat record and turning it up so he could hear it in the kitchen.

as john made dinner, he sang along softly to the song playing, dancing around the kitchen as he cooked. sherlock watched him with a smile, seeing john smile back at him. once the pie was in the stove, john grabbed sherlock's hand and pulled him into the living room.

"we're going to dance." he announced as he changed the record. he put on an old scratchy record from the 40's then turned to sherlock with a smile plastered on his face. "ever danced the charleston?" he asked the officer.

sherlock shook his head. "never."

"well, you're going to learn now." he said the took then stood next to the detective. john showed him then slowed down, showing sherlock step by step what to do.

when sherlock got it there was a moment of laughter before john took sherlock's hands and they started to do it together. they danced around for the forty minutes it took for the pie to cook, being idiots. the fun lasted until the timer went off. john ran into the kitchen while sherlock just laughed and turned the record player off, catching his breath before going into the kitchen. while john put the last touches on his shepherds pie, sherlock set the table for them.

"smells good." sherlock complemented.

john felt his ear get hot. "thank you." he said and looked at his creation as he set it on the table.

sherlock chuckled softly and sat down, watching john sit down after him. he let john help himself first then got a little bit on his plate. "this is amazing." sherlock said as he covered his mouth with the back of his hand.

"i know right." john responded as he stuffed his face with more.

sherlock just chuckled at the boy and continued to eat.

over the week, john opened up to sherlock slowly. he didn't put all of his trust into him at once, it took a few days. sherlock still stayed the night at the house and he knew it made john feel safer and he liked the company. when they ordered in, they would sit on the sofa and eat while they watched a film or a tv show that was playing. they mostly watched the big bang theory because john had never seen it and sherlock showed it to him and that's all john wanted to watch. instead of locking himself in his room, john stayed downstairs doing his homework either at the kitchen table or on the floor in the living room while he watched the big bang theory. after school, the two would sit at the kitchen table and sherlock would let john use his laptop as he made them tea.

john also opened up more about the past four years. he told sherlock all about how his father treated him over the past four years, how jim treated him for the past six months, and how he sat in his room for the entire night, staring down at the pill bottle.

that night ended with john in tears and sherlock holding him as he cried into his chest. sherlock calmed the boy, saying soft things that made john smile through his tears or huff out a little laugh. after that, they lay on the sofa as they watched the tv. john was resting on top of sherlock and sherlock didn't mind. he drew patterns gently on the boy's back until he felt his breaths get deeper, knowing he had fallen asleep. sherlock let him be.

the saturday harry planned to come down, john was in one of his best moods. him and sherlock went out to lunch and had the best time. they talked and joked and it just felt right between them. john did have to admit he had a growing crush on sherlock. who wouldn't? the man was like a fucking sculpture built by god himself. john knew it wasn't right to form a crush on the officer that was placed on his case, but he just couldn't help himself. every time they talked, john found himself getting lost in those eyes that never stayed the same color. or he watched those soft, pink lips move as they spoke, wondering if they tasted like tea and the cigarette he just smoked. john knew he'd never get sherlock.

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