twenty three

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john sat on sherlock's sofa, going through all of sherlock's books and deciding which to keep and which to donate while sherlock went through his office. they had finished the big bang theory and moved on to brooklyn nine-nine and john thought it was a little bit better than the big bang theory. he was graduating in two weeks and moving to london with sherlock in three. him and sherlock started packing up sherlock's things a few days ago and they weren't even close to finishing because sherlock had so much shit in his flat.

after an hour or two, sherlock walked out with a box and set it with the others in the kitchen. "i ordered in. should be here soon." he said as he walked over to the boy, plopping down onto the sofa next to him. "how's it goin out here?" he asked.

"you have a lot of good books and so far in the donate pile there are ten." john said as he added another book to the box. "this thing weighs a lot too." he said and pointed to the box.

sherlock chuckled. "i own a lot." sherlock said and looked at the other book shelf that was filled from top to bottom. "oh!" sherlock said as he took out his phone. "mrs hudson emailed me and told me about a building she owns and she'll be willing to rent out the top flat to us and we get a discount." sherlock said as he showed john the pictures. "i like it." he said and gave sherlock his phone back.

"great. i'll email her back." sherlock said then put his phone back into his pocket.

someone knocked on the door and sherlock pulled himself off the sofa, grabbing his wallet off the counter as he opened the door. "beef or chicken?" he asked the boy.

"beef." john replied and moved the books in his lap onto the floor, holding his hands out as sherlock brought over a take away box.

they spent the rest of the night packing all of sherlock's books up before retreating to bed for some snogging then some sleep.

the next weekend, sherlock met with mrs hudson and she gave him the keys then him and john took a train to london. they walked around the city for a while, mainly because it was all new to john, then they walked to the address mrs hudson gave them.

"i like it." john said as they walked into the living room. he looked around and noticed some of the furniture in the living area then walked into the kitchen.

"mrs hudson also said their was a room upstairs, but i don't think we'll be needing it." sherlock said and shot john a wink.

john laughed softly and shook his head, walking down the hall and to the bedroom. as he looked around, he felt sherlock's arms wrap around his waist then a soft kiss to the side of his neck.

"imagine you coming home for class or me coming home from work and we eat dinner then come back here and i have you for desert." sherlock said into john's ear, rubbing his hips.

john let out a soft breath. "you have a very dirty mind."

"you love it." sherlock said and nipped john's lobe.

"then in the morning we'll take a shower and just maybe i'll wake you up in a special way. then we could make breakfast and you could fuck me against the table," john said as he pressed his arse against sherlock's groin, "then maybe we could do it in the living room a few times then end up back in the bedroom." john said and turned in sherlock's hold, wrapping his arms around his neck. "maybe end the night with a nice bath then lay out in front of that fireplace and have a nice, relaxing night."

sherlock smirked and pressed a soft kiss to john's lips. "that sounds amazing." he said softly. "i love you." he whispered, staring into john's baby blues.

"i love you, too," john whispered back, smiling like a love sick teenager.

a week later and sherlock had paid the first two months rent on the flat and john was graduating. he received his diploma in front of sherlock, harry, clara and greg was even there. after the ceremony, harry and john went to the cemetery to visit their mother while sherlock and clara went back to the house.

"she'd be very proud of you." harry said as she looked at her mother's headstone, watching her brother set flowers in front of it.

"i wish she would still be here." john said as he sat on the grass. "i would had a much better school experience with her."

harry crouched down next to her brother, rubbing his back softly. "somethings happen for a reason."

"yeah." john said softly. "i never came here after the funeral." he admitted. "i would ask dad if he could take me and he said that she wasn't worth visiting since she left us."

"well our father is filled with bullshit." harry said and looked at her brother. "think of this as a new chapter. you're leaving the bad memories and you're going to london with sherlock and you're in a fantastic medical program. leave dad here and keep mum in your heart." she said.

john sighed and sniffled. he nodded once then stood up, wiping his face. "i just miss her." he cried.

harry pulled her brother in for a hug, holding him close. "i miss her too." she said softly, rubbing her brother's back. "i miss her too."

after the cemetery harry and john went back home and they all celebrated john there, having lots and food and lots of cake. once everyone was partied out, john went upstairs and fell asleep and the other three cleaned up before harry and clara retreated upstairs to harry's room. after putting all the dishes out to dry, sherlock went upstairs to john's room and left a note saying he was going back to his flat to finish up packing and he'll be back in the morning.

john woke up when he heard his bedroom door close softly. he turned onto his back and rubbed his face as he opened his eyes, watching sherlock take his shoes off. john looked over at his alarm clock and saw it was almost eleven. "where'd you go?" he asked sherlock as he sat up, stretching his arms above his head.

"to my flat to finish packing." sherlock said and sat on the edge of john's bed. "are you just now waking up?" sherlock asked.

john nodded and laid back down, yawning.

"tired?" sherlock asked with a small smile.

"i would've been more tired if you gave me a second graduation present." john said with a wink.

sherlock chuckled and leaned over john. "how about when we go to my flat tonight?" he asked softly.

"hmmm, okay." john said and cupped sherlock's neck, pulling him down for a kiss.

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