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around four was when sherlock received a text from john saying he was awake and that he was hungry for pasta, so sherlock went to the store and got some noodles and sauce along with some of john's favorite chocolates. he put it under his bikes seat then drove off to john's house.

he entered the house quietly, taking the food to the kitchen and taking the chocolate out and went up to john's room, sitting in his desk chair as he looked at the boy laying in bed.

"how ya feelin'?" sherlock asked softly.

john shrugged and turned onto his side, looking up at john. "i squished the peas." he said and pointed to the package of peas tossed onto his desk.

sherlock chuckled softly and glanced at the peas before turning his eyes back onto the boy. "i picked up some stuff and i'm going to make dinner. and i got you some chocolate." he said and gestured to the small bag.

john smiled softly at him. "thankyou." he said.

sherlock smiled back, standing up as he held a hand out. "come downstairs with me and i'll start dinner."

john groaned softly as he sat up, letting his legs hang over the edge of the bed as he buried his face into sherlock's stomach. "you smell nice." he muttered.

sherlock chuckled and ruffled john's hair. "c'mon. i've got to start dinner."

john whined as he stood, grabbing the chocolate and peas before walking out of his room, sherlock following behind him.

they ate dinner in the living room on the sofa, watching the soccer game. john finished after sherlock and set his bowl on the coffee table, resting his head on sherlock's shoulder, keeping his focus on the game. sherlock slouched a bit, getting more comfortable, then letting john lay his head back down.

after the game, they cleaned up dinner then went back into the living room and turned on the big bang theory, getting back on the sofa. this time sherlock laid on the sofa and let john lay between his legs, resting his head on his chest. sherlock played with the boy's hair softly, running his fingers through it as he watched the telly.

after the first episode, john was out. sherlock stayed like they were, taking the blanket off the back of the sofa and putting it over them. he was comfortable and he was pretty sure john was too, so he stayed that way. he turned on the late night news and watched it as he checked emails on his phone before falling asleep with john.

in the morning, sherlock woke up to john running his hands through his hair. "morning sleeping beauty." he smiled.

sherlock chuckled and rubbed his face. "hey." he said as he stretched his arms above his head. "what time is it?" he asked as he sat up.

"a 'lil after nine. i made breakfast, come on." john said and walked away.

sherlock got up and stretched before walking into the kitchen. "i'm gonna change real quick." he said to john and yawned. "not comfortable sleeping in work clothes." he said as he walked back into the living room.

john set the table while he was changing, making sherlock's coffee for him the way he liked it. sherlock walked back into the kitchen dressed in a pair of athletic shorts and a dark blue t shirt. john froze in his spot as he looked at the officer.

sherlock chuckled and sat down at the table in front of a plate of food. "i was going to see if you wanted to go for a run, but you made breakfast so these were the only other clothes i packed." he said as he picked up his coffee mug.

john cleared his throat. "we can go for a run later." he said as he sat across from sherlock. "after we get stuff for soccer we can go."

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