twenty four

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sherlock carried the last box up, setting it down with the others before sitting on the ground, falling onto his back. john walked over to sherlock and dropped his shirt on him, handing him a water bottle.

"we've got lunch!" harry shouted from downstairs.

"we'll have to eat on the floor." john said then went into the kitchen, looking through the boxes for cups.

"are all the boxes unloaded?" harry asked sherlock as she set the pizza boxes next to him.

sherlock nodded and opened the top box, pulling out a slice and eating it.

"it took you two an hour to get the pizza. how?" john asked as he sat on the floor next to sherlock, taking a slice as well.

harry looked over at clara and clara turned pink. "we got distracted." harry said then cleared her throat, taking the bottom box of pizza.

john laughed softly then nudged sherlock's shoulder. "get up, babe. it's not healthy to eat while laying down." he said then took a bite of his slice of pizza.

sherlock groaned and sat up, hunching over as he ate his pizza.

harry and clara left after lunch, taking the moving truck with them. john put the leftover pizza in the fridge then started unpacking as sherlock took a shower. he unpacked the books first, getting them all into the shelves then stacking the remaining on the desk table. sherlock walked into the living room and wrapped his arms around johns waist, pulling him away from the box and kissing the side of his neck.

"sherlock, we've got to unpack." john said as he tried to get out of the man's hold.

"not right now." sherlock said and continued to kiss the boy's neck, nipping at his sweet spot.

john gasped softly and relaxed against sherlock. "okay." he said softly, extending his neck.

"we've been working all day," sherlock said as he pulled on john's shirt collar, kissing the exposed shoulder, "and we deserve a break, don't ya think?" he asked as he bit down gently on the skin.

john shivered and nodded softly. "yes."

sherlock hummed and turned john around. "and we can test out the bed."

john nodded. "okay." he said softly.

sherlock pecked the boy's lips before pulling him to their bedroom, kicking the door closed with his foot.

in the morning, sherlock woke up first with a john wrapped tightly in his arms. he kissed the boy's shoulder softly before removing himself from the bed, hearing john stir a bit, but then he settled down and sighed heavily into the pillow. sherlock dug through his bag and took out his sweatpants, pulling them on before grabbing his phone and heading out to the kitchen. he texted greg that they got in yesterday and were too busy unpacking which was partly true. he set his phone on the counter and opened the boxes that sat on the table, digging through them until he found the tea kettle. once he put the kettle on the burner, he started to unpack the boxes, putting things in drawers and cupboards.

john walked into the kitchen about and hour later wearing his boxers and one of sherlock's sweaters. he sat down at the now cleared kitchen table and watched sherlock for a few minutes before he realized that the boy had com into the kitchen.

"morning." sherlock said with a grin.

john let out a grunt in response and laid his head in his arms. "my ass hurts." he said into his arms.

sherlock laughed softly and walked over to john, kissing his head. "would some cold pizza for breakfast help?"

john pulled his face out of his arms and gave sherlock a side eye. "fuck off." he said and pushed sherlock's face away.

sherlock chuckled and went to the counter, filling up the kettle again and turning it on. "i don't have to go in until tomorrow morning." sherlock said as he turned around, leaning against the counter. "and you still have to sign up for classes before it's too late."

john groaned. "don't remind me." he said then leaned back into his chair. "jesus i have to prepare myself if most nights are gonna be like last night."

sherlock chuckled and winked at john, earning the middle finger from the boy. "i said i'd wreck your ass." sherlock said then turned around to retrieve the boiling kettle.

"yeah but i thought you didn't actually mean it. like you were bragging." john said and rested his chin in his hand.

sherlock poured the water into the mug he used then put the last tea bag in his mug. "oh, baby, i always mean it." sherlock said with a smirk as he set the mug in front of john.

john rolled his eyes as he sat back in the chair with the mug.

sherlock chuckled and went into the living room, going through the boxes. "i was thinking that we could put in two more book shelves on either side of the sofa. and get a different carpet in here and get those chairs refurbished and maybe get a new sofa, but i think that one is fine." he said then looked at john. "and we have to get the tv and the wifi installed still."

"that's going to cost a lot." john said as he sipped his tea. "do we have the money for it?"

sherlock nodded. "i have money, john. my family's one of the richest in england, but they raised me not to show it."

"that's why you can always afford tailored suits." john said, finally realizing.

sherlock nodded. "that doesn't change anything, does it?" he asked john. "now that you know i have money?"

john shook his head. "i fell in love with you, not your money."

sherlock smiled at john. "should we order shelves from ikea-"

"no!" john shouted. "no ikea. that place is awful."

sherlock laughed. "what if i get someone to build them then install them along with everything else?" he asked as he walked over to john.

"i supposed that'd work. since you're loaded and all." he said as he set his tea down, watching sherlock get closer.

"you're right." sherlock said as he reached john. he leaned down slowly until his face was centimeters away from the boy's face.

"you could be my sugar daddy." john said.

sherlock laughed. "shut up."

john laughed with him and pulled him down for a kiss.

john and sherlock were both excited about this new chapter. them living together, happy and in love. it was going to be a rough ride, but they were both sure they would be able to get through it. after all, john was pulled back down to earth living his best life. he couldn't ask for more.

thanks for reading folks!

i have an idea for a second book, but just lemme know if you want it. i've already started writing it and will most likely publish it anyways.

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