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john got his lunch quickly before everyone flooded into the commons then hurried to the library. people weren't allowed to eat lunch in there, but mrs hudson made an exception for john because she loved talking with him and she cared for the boy. she always liked to know how he was. and she always got the juicy gossip about students from him.

"hey, mrs h." john said with a smile as he sat down in the librarian's office.

"oh, john! how have you been?" she asked, smiling brightly at the boy.

john nodded. "i've been good." he said as he took the apple off his tray, fiddling with it. "my sister is staying with me for a few days." he said then bit into his apple.

"what happened to sherlock?" she asked.

"he's got work and stuff." john said then swallowed the bit of apple he had in his mouth. "and he doesn't want me to be alone, so harry is staying with me while he's gone."

"how has it been with her? especially after the domestic."

"errr, alright. i guess." john said then sighed. "it was a bit tense last night until after dinner. she got me a phone and we played soccer for a bit before we went to bed."

"oh well that sounds good."

john shrugged. "she told me i should try out for the soccer team and i said if i did i'd get beaten up like in rugby then she asked if i was getting bullied and i never answered." he said then sighed, putting his apple back on his tray.

"so she doesn't know?"

john shook his head. "i don't know if i want to tell her either. i should though. she is my sister after all."

mrs hudson gave the boy a comforting smile. "it's all up to you, john."

john looked into his lap as he picked at his finger nails. "i may try out for the soccer team. i really want to, but there's jim and his gang."

"if those boys lay a hand on you i won't hesitate to call up their parents and have a nice conversation with them about how to raise their children properly."

john chuckled. "thank you, mrs h." he said and smiled at the old lady.

"i'm just looking out for you." she said. "now, what's been going on with freddie and malissa?" mrs hudson asked.

john grinned. "got any biscuits?" he asked.

mrs hudson smirked and pulled out a tin from her purse, setting it on her desk. she opened it and let john grab on before he started telling her about the couples tragic break up. they gossiped until the bell rang for classes. they ended their conversation and john told mrs hudson he'd stay after to tell her the rest of the gossip before he hurried off the drop his half eaten lunch off then make it to class with out getting a tardy slip.

after everyone cleared out of the locker room, john stood in front of the bulletin board where flyers and informations papers were posted. he was focused on the paper in the middle that was the sign up sheet for soccer try outs. he was hesitant, but he reached for the pen and wrote his name on the next empty line. he took a deep breath and smiled to himself. he shouldn't have to be afraid to try out. he was just another boy, going out for the sports team. that's all. he turned on his heels and left the locker room, heading to the library to tell mrs hudson the good news.

after their gossip session, john walked to the bus station to get a ride home. he still used the bus pass sherlock gave him and he debated on going to the library, but he decided to go home since harry was there and he wanted to tell her about the news as well.

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