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john talked with sven about the party then they had a team meeting without any of jim's clan there. sven gave them the run down that jim was not allowed in the house or any where near the house. then everyone agreed that they all would gang up on jim if he tried to even go near john.

friday night they won the game, thanks to john saving alex's ass. the party wasn't right after the game, but instead like an hour or two later. john went with sven and they went to the store to pick up a shit ton of snack and a few cases of beer, but tj was supposed to bring the kegs and all the other drinks. the only reason they were having the party was because sven's family was out for the weekend, dropping his sister off at her boarding school and it gave them the perfect chance to have one hell of a party.

"did you want to shower?" sven asked john once they got into the house. "the guest room has a bathroom attached and you can use that one." he said as he set the bags he was carrying down.

"i guess."

"there's towels in there and just toss it in the hamper when you're done, alright? oh and it's the third door on the left."

john nodded. "alright." he said then watched sven bound up the stairs. john set the bags he was carrying down then headed up the steps, holding onto the strap of his soccer bag. sven's house was massive and it was all too much for john to take in at once.

he walked down the corridor, going straight to the third door on the left and seeing the massive bedroom. "jesus." john muttered to himself as he walked to the bathroom. the bathroom was the size of john's bedroom and he was scared to use the shower because he was scared he'd break something.

john tossed his bag down then went to the shower, opening up the door and peeking inside. once he figured out how to turn the shower on, he got in.

around ten was when everyone started to get to the house. john was not the party type so he just stayed out of the crowd as he watched everyone go wild. eventually sven spotted him and grabbed john by his arm, pulling him up onto the coffee table.

"let's give john a nice big cheer for leading this season with victory!" sven shouted.

everyone started to cheer then they stopped when john stepped off the coffee table. sven stepped down with him then grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the kitchen where all the booze was.

"i don't drink." john said as he watched sven fill up a red cup at the keg.

"c'mon watson!" sven said as he handed john the cup. "you don't have to drink it, but just hold it so you look cool."

john chuckled and took the cup. "are you going to get a cup?"

sven shook his head and grabbed a bottle of tequila, taking a long swig of it.

"i thought you couldn't hold your liquor!" john said to his friend.

"i'm russian! i can hold down anything!" sven said then took another hard swig before going out to the back yard and going to janine.

"hey, john." a voice said, causing john to jump a little.

"jesus, alex." john said as he wiped his hand on his jeans.

"sorry," alex chuckled. "i just wanted to say thanks for saving my ass today."

"that's what a team is for, isn't it?"

alex nodded, and clapped john's back. "hey, drink up. don't want it going to waste." he said and pointed to the beer before walking away.

john looked down at his drink and took a small swig, making a sour face and just pulling the cup away to hold it.

he drank at least half of the cup before he started feeling tired which was weird. john walked around before he found sven, pulling him away from the crowd. "c-can i go lay upstairs?" he asked sven softly.

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