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sherlock took the liberty of washing john's clothes as he slept. he stayed up all night, not much of a person on sleeping as he looked over john's files. he got more into them then hacked his way into the police's online files, finding more about his family, looking for anything on his sister. she'd have to watch john once their father was in rehab since he wasn't eighteen yet. he gave up after an hour. he couldn't find any thing on her. after his search was over, he realized that the sun had started to come up, so he got up and started breakfast, knowing john would be up soon.

when john woke up, he wondered out to the living room, seeing sherlock in the kitchen. "morning," sherlock smiled at the boy. "i washed your clothes, they're on the sofa, and breakfast is almost ready." he said.

john nodded and walked over to the sofa, picking up the folded clothes then heading to the bathroom. he changed into his now clean clothes and carried sherlock's shirt back out to the kitchen. "where do you want this?" he asked sherlock, holding up the shirt.

sherlock glanced at him. "just toss it on the bed, i'll get it later."

john nodded and walked back to sherlock's room, tossing the shirt on sherlock's bed. he straightened out the comforter before going back out to the kitchen. there was an omlette sitting on the counter with a glass of orange juice sitting next to it. john sat on the bar stool in front of the plate. "thanks for letting me stay, and making me breakfast." he said and started eating.

"not a problem." sherlock responded as he put the dirty pan in the sink. "if you ever need a place to stay, just buzz and i'll let you in and if i'm not here, just buzz the girl under my name, molly, she'll let you in. and a spare key is taped under the mat, too, for when ever i'm not here." sherlock informed john.

john nodded. "got it." he said and started eating.

sherlock disappeared down the hall way, leaving john to eat alone. when john was finished, he put his dishes in the sink then went to find sherlock, discovering him in a smaller room made into a office. sherlock was sat at the desk, reading over something.

"i'm gonna go, thanks for breakfast and letting me crash here." john said.

"will you be okay, going home?" sherlock asked and looked up at him.

john nodded. "i'm just gonna walk to the library. you live closer, so i can walk."

"how're you getting home?" sherlock asked.

"i have two functioning legs, i think that's how i'll get home."

sherlock stood up and took out his wallet, handing john a bus pass. "take it. i don't use it any more."

"no, i can't." john said.

"john. take the damn card." sherlock said a bit forcefully.

john flinched slightly at the raise of his voice and took the pass. "t-thank you." he said softly.

"i didn't mean to shout." sherlock apologized quickly. he grabbed a sticky note off his desk and wrote something on it, handing it to john. "that's my personal number if you ever need anything."

john nodded and took the sticky note. "thanks. i appriciate it."

"not a probelm." sherlock said, giving john a friendly smile.

john gave a friendly smile back then walked out of the office, going to the living room and retreving his book bag. he stuffed the number in the pocket, thinking he'll never have to use it. he's been doing fine and he can continue being fine. besides, there's only six months until graduation. then john can get away. he kept the bus pass in hand as he walked out, finding his way to the closest bus stop then waiting.

he entered the library and smiled, looking at the sections then heading over to the non fiction science section. he set his book bag down against the book cases, starting his reading. john got a few off the shelves then sat on the floor with them, not feeling like going over to a table. he read through one then took a break to use the toilet, seeing it was almost noon. he went back over to where his things were and sat back down, picking up the next book and starting to read. john loved science. mostly the medicine part, but his second favorite was space science. he was always fond of space. it was mainly because when he was little, his mom would always tell him about the stars. at one point he wanted to be an astronaut, but that changed after she died. little john watson forgot all the things that reminded him of his mom because they made him cry and they made his father drink more and get angry. he got in deep thoughts and closed the book, putting it away then putting the rest he pulled out away. he looked at the clock on the wall again and saw it was close to three, so he decided to get his book bag and start heading home.

he walked around a bit before getting on the bus, trying to pass time. he rode the bus to the stop near his house, then got off and wondered in the park until it got dark. once the sun had completly set, he started going home, seeing the lights in the living room on. he sighed and walked around the to back of the house, getting the ladder from the tool shed and setting it against the roof of the porch, climbing up. he carefully walked to his window and pryed it open, climbing into his room as quietly as he could without knocking anything off his desk. once he was inside safely, he closed his window and set his book bag on the floor next to his bed, then he lay down on the navy blue comforter, sighing as he looked up at the glow in the dark plastic stars that were some how still attached to his ceiling. he could hear the tv from down stairs and his father shouting insults at it.

after half an hour of laying down, john got up and made his way out of his room and down stairs, standing on the bottom step and watching his father take a swig of his beer, then took another. he sighed and stepped off the last step, walking to the kitchen. he looked for something to eat, finding a box of cereal that wasn't expired yet and took it out of the cupboard, taking it back upstairs to his room. his father still hadn't notcied him, which was good and john prayed he didn't notice him until he got home from school monday night. he sat in his desk chair, spining around as he ate the dried cereal straight out of the box. he stopped spinning and set the box on his desk, sighing and leaning back in his seat. there was nothing to do, so john just climbed out his window again and decided to take a walk, hopping the fence in his back yard and walking through the small woods.

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