twenty two

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over the course of a month, john became captain of the soccer team and led the team to championships, sherlock accepted the job in london and he was moving there a week after john graduated, taking john with him, john became one of the most popular kids in school, him and sherlock explored the sexual side of their relationship (not including sex) and it was amazing for the both of them, and harry and clara got engaged. john's life was changing and he couldn't be happier. he woke up every morning next to his amazing boyfriend, went to school and didn't get bullied, hung out with actual friends then had dinner with his family. he couldn't be happier.

sherlock sat in the stands next to harry as they both watched the game closely, getting to anxious when there was only ten seconds and john was running down the field with the ball with no one to pass to and someone chasing him down. he took a chance and kicked the ball up quickly, doing a bicycle kick then hearing the crowd cheer as the referees blow their whistles. john was pulled up from the ground by his cheering teammates, lifting him into the air. john laughed and cheered with them.

sherlock waited for john outside the locker room. he saw the boy run out to him with a giant smile on his face and sherlock smiled back, preparing for the impact of john. john threw his bag down and jumped into sherlock's arms, wrapping his legs around the man's waist as he held him up then kissed him.

"you did amazing, baby." sherlock said as he set john down.

"we won!" john said excitedly. "we won the championships!"

sherlock laughed softly at the boy. "because of you too." he said and picked up the boy's soccer bag, tossing it over his shoulder.

"we're having a team party at alex's and you're invited as well." john said as he started to walk to sherlock's car.

"glad to know you all still think of me."

john chuckled. "can i drive?" he asked as he stopped sherlock at the car, slipping his hand into his front pocket where the keys were.

sherlock looked down at the boy, raising a brow. "i need something in return." he said as he leaned down some.

john rolled his eyes and gave sherlock a kiss, pulling the keys out of his pocket as he kissed him deeper.

"get a room!" sven shouted a few cars down at his car.

john and sherlock pulled apart, laughing. "we will!" john shouted back, giving sven a wink as he bit his lip.

"you two are disgusting!"

"we know!" sherlock responded, taking the keys from john and unlocking the car, returning them once he finished. he tossed the bag in the back seat then got into the passenger seat, watching john run around the car then get into the drivers seat.

they made it back to the watson's household in one piece, but sherlock had to admit that john wasn't that bad, he just panicked with pressure. john ran upstairs to get a shower, dropping his soccer bag off the staircase in front of the laundry door. sherlock went to the kitchen and didn't see harry so he just went upstairs to john's room. they replaced his twin bed with sherlock's old queen because sherlock had gotten a new mattress and it was starting to get uncomfortable trying to do things on a twin bed. sherlock kicked his shoes off and laid on john's bed, hearing the shower turn on.

john walked into his room and dropped his towel, reaching into his dresser and pulling out a pair of boxers, putting them on. "you've got such a good ass." sherlock said as he watched the boy dig around in his bottom drawer, licking hips lips.

john looked back at him and gave him a wink before taking out a button up shirt and closing the drawer with his foot. "does this look good?" he asked sherlock as he put the navy blue shirt on, buttoning it up.

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