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john went into the house quickly, sherlock practically running behind him. the boy ran upstairs and sherlock let him, staying downstairs. he looked around the house, seeing that it was covered in bottles and cans of beer and packs of cigerettes. it even smelled like cigerettes too. sherlock went into the kitchen and looked around for some air freshener, finding some under the sink. he sprayed it around the kitchen and in the living room a bit before putting it back in the kitchen and grabbing a trash bag. john still hadn't come back down so he started picking up the empty bottles and cans, tiding up a bit.

john came downstairs after thirty minutes. he stood on the steps and looked at sherlock who was organizing the now clean coffee table. "you don't have to do that." john said and walked down the last two steps.

sherlock looked at him. "i know, but it was disgusting." he said honestly.

john nodded. "it was." he agreed. "so, where is he?" he asked.

"rehab." sherlock said and set the bag down. "he should be there for six months and once he's there for a month, he's allowed visitors." he informed the boy. he looked over him, but the bruise on his cheek was gone and sherlock could tell he was anxious about being alone with sherlock. "i can go, if you want." he said and picked up his coat. "i just wanted to make sure you'll be okay."

"no. please stay." john said and made eye contact with the officer.

sherlock set his coat down back on the sofa. "okay." he said and looked at the boy. "do you want me to order in something for dinner?"

john shrugged. "if you want. i'm not all that hungry." he said then started walking to kitchen.

sherlock followed after him. "you should eat."

john shrugged as he opened the cabinet under the sink, grabbing a trash bag or two. he stood up again and went over to the fridge, grabbing all the bottles of beer and dumping them into the bag. "i don't really care. order if you want."

"john." sherlock said a bit sternly.

john sighed and looked at sherlock. "what?" he asked.

"are you alright?" sherlock asked.

john huffed out a laugh. "i'm not even sure any more." he said and set the bag of bottles down, tying it. "just order, please." he said and picked up the trash bag then went over to the one sherlock just had, picking that one up as well then going outside.

sherlock watched his every movement and when he went outside, he took out his phone and ordered in pizza. john came back inside and glanced at sherlock then went over to the record player on th shelf, taking the record that was on it, off it, then going and finding a different one.

"do you have acess to files?" john asked as he set the needle on the record. "like closed files. the ones that are put away." he looked at sherlock.

"yeah. i do. why?"

"my mom left a note when she... died and i just want to know what it says." john said and watched sherlock stare at him a bit awkwardly. "you don't have to do it." john said quickly, looking away, scratching the back of his neck. "just forget it."

"no, i'll do it." sherlock said as he stepped foward a bit, causing john's head to turn back to him. "it'll just have to be tomorrow. i can't get it today."

john nodded. "yeah. okay. thank you." he said and gave sherlock a faint smile.

"not a problem." sherlock returned the smile. "pizza should be here in a bit. i don't know what you like so i just ordered plain cheese."

"that's fine. i've got homework, so just call me down when it gets here?" john said in a questioning tone.

sherlock nodded then watched john duck his head and head for the stairs, hearing his steps decend up them. once he heard the bedroom door close before heading upstairs quietly. he walked down the hallway, becareful of his steps as he looked up at the ceiling, spotting the attic door. it was at the end of hall and he glanced back to make sure john hadn't come out of his room. sherlock reached for the string, pulling it down quickly, sighing in relif that it didn't make a creaking noise. he climbed up the steeps steps, sighing once he got into the attic, noticing all the boxes and realizing it was going to take a lot longer than he thought.

after taking a minute to look over everything, sherlock's eyes landed on a few boxes tucked away in a corner underneath some christmas stuff that were brightly colored with floral patterns. he went over to it and kneeled down, pulling out the small box that sat underneath the christmas box, being very quiet. he was able to grab the box and head out of the attic, closing it and heading back downstairs, without john knowing he was up there.

sherlock went outside and put the box in his car, noticing the dilivery car for the pizza. he stayed outside until the car reached the house, paying the man that brought it then took the pizza box inside.

"john! pizza!" he called, walking to the kitchen. he set the pizza on the counter and looked in the cupboards until he found the ones with the plates, taking two out.

john walked into the kitchen and took a plate from sherlock then went to the pizza, opening the box and grabbing two slices. "thanks." he said to sherlock as he took a bite of the pizza as he walked out of the kitchen.

sherlock chuckled softly as he watched the boy run up the steps, munching down on the piece of pizza. he turned back to the box and grabbed himself a slice before heading back to the living room, sitting on the sofa and leaning over to the coffee table, opening up his laptop.

john came down for more pizza after an hour, but didn't come back down the stairs until a little after eleven. he noticed that sherlock was still on the couch so he walked to him and stood in front of him awkwardly. "are you staying the night?" he asked sherlock.

sherlock looked up at him. "i don't have to if you don't want me to," sherlock said as he closed his laptop. "i'd just prefer if someone was here for you. but i can leave." he said as he stood up.

john shook his head. "no, no. please stay." he said, his voice filled with fear. "we don't have a guest room, but my sister's old room is open or the couch. which ever you choose." he said as he looked at sherlock.

sherlock nodded. "i'll most likely be gone before you get up, are you okay with getting to school yourself?" he asked.

"i'll be fine."

"i'm picking you up though, just to make sure you're alright."

john nodded. "night." he said the sherlock before awkwardly turning around and heading for the stairs.

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