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that night, sherlock had to go home to pack, so john stayed with him and helped him. sherlock was on the phone most of the time with the people in america while he packed. john could tell he was getting angry so he left the bedroom and went into the living room, hearing sherlock's bedroom door close a little loudly. he grabbed the last bit of his takeaway and sat on the sofa as he ate, turning on the telly.

john heard bits and pieces of sherlock's conversation and most of it was shouting at someone named david. it was a little after midnight and john was starting to get tired so he just laid on the couch, taking the blanket off the back of it and falling asleep.

it wasn't until a little after three that sherlock was off the phone and done packing. he walked into the living room and saw john asleep, so he picked the boy up and carried him to his bedroom, laying him on the bed then pulling the covers over him the best he could without waking him.

sherlock stayed up the rest of the night, skyping with the other people on the case, talking it over with them.

john woke up around nine and laid in sherlock's bed for a bit longer, liking the warmth and the scent. once he did get out of bed, he walked out to the kitchen and saw sherlock sitting at the table with his laptop in front of him.

"i get what you're saying, but that's a completely stupid reason." he said to the laptop.

"then what do you think?" a man's american accent respond.

"obviously not that." sherlock retorted. in the corner of his eye he saw john and smiled at him. "i'm getting off now. i'll see you later today." he said before ending the skype call. he stood from his chair and walked over to john, kissing his forehead. "how'd you sleep?"

"good," john yawned. "when does your flight leave again?"


"so what're we going to do?"

"i thought we'd go out to breakfast then i will take you to the soccer field." sherlock said.

"there'll be people there."

"not at this field there won't be." sherlock said then picked up his coffee and took a sip. "harry texted and said she'll be here later tonight because she has to close up the bar, so i'm giving you money for some take out."

john nodded. "are we gonna go back to my place?" he asked.

"yes, but let me change first and get the rest of my shit together." he said then looked at john who had sadness written across his face. "hey," he said softly, tilting the boy's chin up with his finger so he'd look at him. "we'll make the most out of today. i promise you."

"i just don't want you to go." john said with a slight voice crack. he hugged sherlock tightly, burying his face into his chest.

sherlock hugged back. "i don't want to go either, trust me." he said into the blond hair. "but it's the best thing for me. i get a promotion when i come home and you'll be there waiting for me and we can do anything you want."

john nodded and sniffled, resting his head in sherlock's shoulder as he looked up at him. "we'll celebrate my birthday when you get back." he said softly.

sherlock smiled down at him and kissed the boy's cheek. "oh we'll celebrate your birthday alright." he said into boy's ear.

"sherlock!" john giggled, stepping back from the man, playfully smacking his chest.

sherlock grinned, chuckling as he pulled john back to him, wrapping his arms around his waist and blowing a raspberry on his neck.

john bursted into a fit of laughter, pushing sherlock away then sprinting towards the bedroom. sherlock chased after him, seeing john standing on the other side of the bed.

"there's no where to go." sherlock panted lightly.

john laughed and jumped onto the bed, trying to leap around sherlock, but he caught him and laid him on the bed, pinning his wrists above his head. john smiled up at sherlock, not trying to struggle as he let out another giggle.

sherlock laughed with him, staring down at the boy lovingly. sherlock just wanted to kiss him right now. his hair was sticking up in all sorts of places, his eyes were wide and beautiful as ever, and his lips were just begging to be kissed. "can i kiss you?" sherlock whispered.

john nodded eagerly. "please."

sherlock leaned down and kissed john deeply, letting go of the boy's wrists to stable himself. johns hands instantly attached to sherlock's cheeks, pulling him closer in a desperate need of feeling his body against his. when sherlock's groin rubbed against john's slightly, the boy let out a soft noise and that's when sherlock pulled away, resting his forehead against john's as he panted.

sherlock wanted to devour john. he wanted to take the boy apart piece by piece, hear him scream his name as he would be balls deep in the boy. but he knew that couldn't happen. not when john was his age and what has happened to him. sherlock had to contain the burning passion to fuck the boy until john was eighteen and that he knew he was comfortable with it.

"can we stay in bed today?" john asked softly, snapping sherlock out of his day dream.

"uh, yeah. yeah." sherlock said as he stood up. "let me use the loo real quick." he said then back out of the bedroom, going across the hall to the bathroom. he locked the door then instantly went to the toilet, lifting the lid of it then pulling his shorts down then freeing his hard cock from his pants. it only took a few long pulls before he was exploding like a balloon, biting his hand to conceal his orgasm.

when he opened the bathroom door, john was standing right in front of him. "i gotta take a piss." he said and walked around sherlock into the bathroom, sherlock stepped out and closed the door, taking a deep breath before going into the kitchen.

sherlock walked back to his bedroom with his laptop and a bag of crisps. he stopped in the doorway when he heard a muffled moan come from the bathroom and he smirked to himself. john felt the same way. that was good to know.

around three was when sherlock packed up his car and got in it with john. they drove to the precinct and greg got in the car then they were on their way to the airport.

sherlock stood in front of his gate, looking at both greg and john. "can you give us a minute, greg?" he asked.

greg nodded. "i'll just go to the car then." he said then gave sherlock another hug before walking away.

john latched onto sherlock, hugging him tightly. "i'm gonna miss you." the boy said muffled into sherlock's chest.

"i'm gonna miss you, too." sherlock said and pried the boy off of him, cupping his cheeks. "i'll call when i land, but it'll be short because i have to go straight to the police before i can go to the hotel. okay?"

john sniffled and nodded.

"don't cry, love." sherlock said gently as he wiped john's tears with his thumbs. "it's only six weeks. i'll be back before you know it."

john nodded as he wiped his face with the sleeve of his jumper. he looked up at sherlock and he was smiling down at him softly. he wrapped his arms around sherlock's neck and pulled him down, kissing him.

sherlock let the kids linger, not wanting it to be like the kiss earlier. he pulled away when the last call was given for his flight. "i've got to go now." he said softly, kissing john's forehead. "i'll bring you back something pretty." he said, causing the boy to chuckle.

"bye." john said and waved at sherlock.

sherlock smiled at him sadly, waving back as he walked backwards before turning around and disappearing into the crowd of people.

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