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john sat down on the bench as he laced up his shoes, standing up once he finished. he grabbed his book bag and started walking, not looking at where he was going, running into alexander.

"watch it." alex said and shoved john.

"i-i'm sorry." john stuttered softly, not looking up as he walked around.

john was jerked back the shoved against the wall, a flash of pain running through his head. he moaned softly in pain, struggling to get away since his shoulders were pinned to the wall.

"heard you're trying out for the team." alex said harshly as he grabbed a fistful of his shirt on either shoulder and pulled him back some, shoving him against the wall again.

john let out a small cry this time.

"jim says hi, by the way," alex smirked. "to me to give you this."

"step away from john, alexander." the teacher said sternly before alex could release his fist into john's face.

alex let go of john, giving him a last push before turning around.

"headmasters office." mr graves said to alex. "now." he growled.

the boy ducked his head down and grabbed his bag before running out of the locker room.

"you alright, watson?" mr graves asked as he walked up to the boy.

john nodded. "i'm gonna go to the nurse." he said as he held the back of his head.

mr graves nodded. "let me walk you. come on." he said and let the boy walk out before him.

sherlock sat in a chair on the other side of greg's desk as they talked over the plans for his promotion for when he gets back. his phone started ringing and he sighed, pulling out of his pocket to see the number for john's school. he stood up and faced the opposite direction of greg.

"sherlock holmes." he said when he answered.

"mr holmes, this is casey klindset, the receptionist at john's school, he's in the nurses office with a pretty bad knot in the back of his head and mr adams would like you to come in and speak with him if that's alright."

sherlock pulled the phone away from his ear some and sighed in frustration. "yeah, i'll be there in few."

"great! we'll see you soon." the woman said too enthusiastically before hanging up.

sherlock stuffed his phone into his pocket and grabbed his coat off the back of the chair he was sitting in. "that was john's school. he got beat up again. i'll come in tomorrow or later and finish talking about this." he said to greg before hurrying out of his office and then the precinct.

sherlock walked into the school furious. he went straight to the headmasters office, ignoring the receptionist and going straight into charles' office. "what happened?" he asked angrily.

"mr jones here shoved john up against the wall a few times and before it could get any further, mr graves, here, showed up." charles explained.

sherlock glared down at the boy who sat mortified in his chair before scoffing at how pathetic he was. "where's john now?" he asked.

"at the nurses still." charles said.

"i'll be taking him home early." sherlock said to charles. "and if i get another call about john getting beat up i'll deal with it myself because obviously you haven't delt with it yet." he threatened before storming out of the office.

he stopped outside the door of the nurses office for a second, taking a deep breath and calming himself before stepping in. john was sitting in a chair with an ice pack to the back of his head. he went over the the boy and kneeled in front of him, placing a hand on his knee.

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