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sherlock sat outside of the bar, staring it from across the street as he sat on his motor bike. he took the last drag of his cigarette before dropping it on the ground and stomping on it. he got off the bike and started across the street, stepping into the bar. he took the place in quickly before seating himself at the bar. he looked at the bartender and assumed it was john's sister, going by the height and facial features. he flagged her down and ordered a drink.

"harriet watson?" he asked as she poured the drink.

"sorry, don't know her." the woman said then turned and went to a different customer.

"my name is sherlock. i work at the yard and i've been keeping an eye on your brother." sherlock said, watching her tense up then turn around. "and your father. i'd like to have a word with you."

harry walked over to sherlock and stood in front of him, staring at him with a resting bitch face. "i have a smoke break in ten. we can talk then." she said then went back to the customer she was at before.

sherlock smirked knowingly and took a swig of his drink then took out his phone. he sat there at the bar staring at his phone for ten minutes before following harry out to the back alley. he stepped outside and watched her sit on an old crate and light a cigarette.

"so," she said then blew out a stream of smoke, "why does a police officer need me?" she asked then took another drag.

sherlock kicked anther crate out then sat on it, looking at the woman. she had the same eyes john did. and the same sandy hair. even the same nose. "over the past few months i have been on your brother's case for child abuse." sherlock said then watched harry's face drop. "and yesterday i took your father to rehab and john isn't eighteen yet, so he can't be left alone so i just need you to come back."

harry flicked the ash of her cigarette as she stared blankly at the ground. she gave a shrug then took another drag. "does he even want to see me?" she asked and looked at sherlock. "i left him to deal with our father. he was thirteen and i just left him."

"john needs someone."

"he has you."

"i leave in a month for two months in america for a case. i can't let him get attached to because then he'll just have someone else leave him. and i'm not sure he can take another hit like that."

harry sighed and ran a hand through her hair, tugging at. "his birthday is next month and that's when you leave, so it'll work out. there, problem solved." harry said as she stood.

"it's not gonna work like that. he needs a living relative to watch him and i'm not a relative."

harry groaned and took another drag. "he doesn't want to see me." she said and kicked a pebble.

"just come round. is there any time you can?" sherlock asked then stood up.

"i have my day off saturday." she said and dropped her cigarette, stepping on it.

sherlock reaches into his pocket and took out a card, giving it to harry. "just give a call if you change your mind." he said.

harry nodded and took the card. "thanks, sherlock." she said and gave him a timid smile.

"not a problem." sherlock said and smiled back, turning on his heels and walking out of the alley. he walked to his bike and put his helmet on before getting on and starting it.

he pulled into the parking lot of the yard and parked where he normally parked, getting off then heading inside. he went straight to his desk, dropping his helmet and kicking it under the desk then putting his jacket over his chair and sitting in it. he let out a sigh as he turned on his computer, looking around to see who all was in. he turned back to his desk when he saw lestrade coming towards his desk.

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