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sherlock walked into the house, hearing the laughing from the kitchen. he smiled softly as he heard john's, knowing he was happy. he set his laptop bag on the sofa before walking into the kitchen and seeing the two siblings sitting at the table, eating. he went up behind john and placed a hand on his shoulder, bending down the kiss his head.

"hey, love." he said then sat next to him.

john smiled at sherlock. "hey."

"what did i just witness?" harry asked, watching her brother and the officer have eye sex with each other.

john became red as he looked into his lap and sherlock cleared his throat.

"we have.... something." john said as he looked up at his sister.

harry's eyes went wide as she picked up her butter knife and pointed it straight at sherlock's throat. "it may be dull but it can do some damage. are you taking advantage of him?" she asked.

"no!" sherlock exclaimed, grabbing harry's wrist and slamming it on the table so she'd drop it. "i would never take advantage of john." he said and stood.

harry stood up with him. "let's talk. outside." she said then headed for the back door, leaving it wide open. 

"she won't actually hurt you, ya know." john said to sherlock.

sherlock nodded, "i know." he said then looked down at john. "finish eating." he said and pointed to the plate of food in front of the boy.

john sighed and stabbed his chicken with a fork, looking up at sherlock as he walked outside. sherlock closed the door and walked to where harry was standing in the yard.

"he's seventeen!" she exclaimed. "seventeen for christ sake and you're, what, twenty two?"

"twenty three." sherlock corrected.

"that doesn't make anything better!" harry shouted, her mother bird mode kicking in.

"look, i get that it's not healthy that john and i have something, but it's nothing bad. we set boundaries, no kissing, no touching, none of that until he's eighteen or until he's comfortable with it. i swear."

harry took a deep breath and calmed herself. "if you hurt him, sherlock, i swear to god i'll rip your heart out."

"i won't, harry. i promise you." sherlock said and watched her.

she nodded once. "how long has it been going on?" she asked.

"a few days."

"ah," harry nodded. "and you're gay then?"

sherlock nodded. "seems to be that way."

"and i suppose you already know about john's ex?"


"okay, good." harry said then looked around. "so don't pressure him into anything, please." she said as she looked at sherlock again.

"i won't." he said and sighed. "also i do need to tell you something. i'm going to wait some before i tell john." sherlock said as he stepped closer to harry. "i am going to america for the six weeks and i leave next week instead of next month."

"so you won't be here for his birthday?" harry asked.

sherlock shook his head. "i really wish i could but a case came up and they need me there as quick as i could. they wanted me there tomorrow, but i managed to push it until sunday."

harry sighed. "he's going to be devastated."

"i know," sherlock nodded. "but i'll call, and text and we'll skype. i'll keep him happy and you'll be here so he's not alone and it'll work out."

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