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john walked around the house and to the sliding doors in the back that were always unlocked. he slid one open quietly then closed it, walking up stairs. he went to jim's room and saw that his bathroom light was on, so he went there, standing in the door way. "i'm sorry." he apologized to jim. "i didn't mean to hit you that hard."

jim turned and looked at him with a done look. his nose was purple and looked out of place. "i'm sure." he said then turned back to the mirror.

"sit down, i'll set it back in place." john said.

jim closed the toilet lid then sat on it, watching john get a few gauze pads.

"it's going to bleed, and hurt." john said as he gave jim the gauze.

"get it over with." jim sighed, gripping the gauze tightly in his hand.

john sat slightly and placed one hand on the bridge of jim's nose. "stay still." he said then took a deep breath, setting his nose, making jim moan out with pain. he grabbed jim's hand with the gauze and put it against his nose, making jim keep it there. "keep the gauze against it, i'm going to get ice." john said then ran down stairs, quickly getting an ice pack then running back upstairs to jim. he gave him the ice pack and watched him put it against his nose.

"thanks." jim said and looked up at the boy.

"not a problem." john said, starting to pack up the first aid kit, keeping the last few gauze pads out.

"look, i'm sorry for earlier." jim said. "it was out of line. you know i'm working on my temper."

"i know." john said softly.

"you can stay in the guest room tonight while everyone's over, but until then, you're mine." jim said and pulled john into his lap. "and we can do what ever you want until they get here."

john smiled timidly. this was the side of jim he liked the most. the soft side that respected him and loved him. "okay." he said. "how's the nose?"

jim pulled the gauze away. "i think it stopped bleeding." he said and looked at the gauze. "get me a wet cloth, will ya?" he asked john.

john nodded and got up, getting a wash cloth from under jim's sink and wetting it. he sat in jim's lap again amd wiped the blood from under his nose. "looks like it's stopped." he said and tossed the bloody cloth into the sink. "keep the ice on it." john said then got up.

"yes doctor." jim joked, making john laugh softly.

"is your car unlocked?" john asked. "i wanna get my stuff."

"it should be. if not, the keys are still out there." jim responded and got up from the toilet slowly.

"i'll be back." john said then left the bathroom, leaving the bedroom then leaving the house. he went to jim's car and picked up his text book then opened the door, getting his book bag. he picked the keys up from the ground then noticed the joint. he picked it up, knowing jim would want it. he went back inside with his things, going back up to jim's room. jim was laying on his back on his bed with the ice pack resting on his face.

"here." john said and set the keys and joint on jim's chest. he then sat down at jim's desk, opening up his maths text book and starting where he left off. he heard the sound of a lighter then smelled the thick scent of the weed, trying not to gag.

after an hour, john finished his work. he got up from the desk and went over to jim, laying next to him. he took the ice pack off his nose amd checked it, setting the ice pack on his night stand.

"look at me baby." said, tilting john's chin up to him softly.

john looked up at jim, receving a kiss from him. john kept the kiss soft and slow as long as he could before jim took control, kissing him deeply and aggressivley. he soon got on top of john, pushing his sweater up some.

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