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when harry got home she instantly went up to john's room, closing the door behind her and sitting in his desk chair. john lowered the book from his face and stared at her sister with furrowed brows.

"sherlock called me today," she started out, "said you were doubting your relationship with him."

john sighed and marked his page, sitting up. "what if i am?" he asked.

"well stop!" harry said then laughed. "sherlock is good for you! this is good for you!" she exclaimed. "he is always there when you need him and he's always asking me if you're alright and he's sweet to you, john. you can't let an amazing person like that out of your life."

"how do you know what's good for me?" john asked harshly. "you were gone for four years and i changed! i'm not thirteen any more, i'm eighteen and i know what's good for me!"

"obviously you don't if you want to leave sherlock!"

"stop it!" john shouted in a tone harry had never heard john use before. she backed down and stared at her brother. "you can't come waltzing back into my life and say what's good for me." john said strongly. "i am grown and i can make decisions myself and i will choose whether or not i want to be with sherlock and i don't need you telling me what is good and what isn't. so get the fuck out of my room before i decide to something i'll regret."

harry sighed heavily and got up, leaving john's room, slamming the door behind her.

john pulled on his hoodie and grabbed the blanket off his bed before climbing out his window and to the roof. it wasn't anyone's choice but his. he didn't need harry's input and if he got one from anyone else he was going to loose his shit.

john sat in the library with a textbook open in front of him and his phone out with the text he was about to send sherlock. it was study hall and he should've gotten in trouble for having his phone out, but mrs hudson wasn't really that harsh. john got up from his seat and walked over to mrs hudson's desk.

"i need advice." he said softly to the elderly woman.

mrs hudson looked at the boy. "about what?"

"relationships i guess." john said and scratched the back of his neck.

"you and sherlock?" she asked.

john nodded. "i just feel like we're not that close anymore."

"i'm sure that's because he's far away and your relationship has just started blossoming." mrs hudson said. "this is good for the both of you, especially in the early stages of the relationship because you two are building trust. don't feel like you're not close anymore. it's normal, dear."

john sighed and deleted the text to sherlock. "i should call him, shouldn't i?" he asked her.

mrs hudson nodded. "yes, you should. but not right now, you need to study. finals are just around the corner."

john chuckled. "you know i'll be fine."

"yes, but i'm not to sure about mr johnson over there." she said and pointed over at tj who was building a tower out of his index cards.

"i'll go assist him. and thank you mrs hudson, you're wonderful." john said and flashed her a smile before walking over to tj and sitting at his table, knocking his tower over.

when john got home from practice he took a shower then laid on his bed, grabbing his phone and calling sherlock. it took a few rings but eventually sherlock answered.

"hello?" sherlock's voice asked.

"hey. what time is it there?"

"almost ten. why?"

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