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tuesday came quickly for john. way too quick. harry was staying for two nights and he was excited, but he was also hesitant. she was only staying because sherlock had things to deal with at work and wasn't able to stay with john, and he needed someone to keep an eye on him even tho john was perfectly fine by himself.

"just call me if there are any problems." sherlock said to john as he grabbed his bag off the couch.

"when will you be back on thursday?" john asked as he watched the officer.

"maybe noon or so. it just depends on how long they keep me there. shouldn't be long because the last time they threw me out." he said, causing the boy to laugh softly.


"may or may have not said something about the lieutenant's wife and one of the officers sleeping together." sherlock said with a grin.

john laughed. "what is that meeting for anyways?" he asked.

"i may be going to america next month for a session for a promotion." sherlock said.

"oh," john said softly, his smile turning into a frown.

"but nothing is official yet." he assured the boy. "it's just an idea my boss has."

"we'll, that's good," john nodded. "how long would you be gone? if you did go."

"six weeks." sherlock said. his phone went off and he pulled it out of his pocket, seeing that lestrade had texted him. "i've got to go or i'll be late." he said as he stuffed his phone back into his pocket. he took a step closer and hugged the boy. "remember to call if you need anything." he said then kissed the boy's head.

john nodded. "i will." he said then looked up at sherlock. "see ya." he waved at sherlock.

sherlock waved back then grabbed his laptop bag off the coffee table, leaving the house in a hurry.

john let out a sigh and tossed himself onto the couch, looking over at the clock on the wall and seeing that there was only two more hours until harry said she was arriving.

when harry arrived at the house, things were awkward between the two siblings. they didn't
really speak or stayed around each other until dinner. the only reason the spoke at dinner was because harry made john sit at the table and eat with her.

"i know you're mad at me, but you can at least talk to me." harry said to her brother, looking at him.

john sighed and picked at his spaghetti. "talk about what?"

"how you've been, i guess."

john furrowed his brows and looked at his sister. "you know how i've been."

"right, sorry." harry said then cleared her throat.

john looked back down and continued to poke at his spaghetti, not in the mood for eating much.

"i did get you something though." harry sad and got up from the table. "i know you don't have one and i want you be able to call me or text when you need something." she said and disappeared down the hall then appeared in the kitchen again, holding a box for a phone. she handed it to john then sat down again.

"you didn't have to. i've been fine without one." john said as he opened the box, taking out the new phone that already had a case on it.

"i wanted to." harry said. "i put my number in there and my girlfriend's, clara."

john looked up at his sister. "girlfriend?"

harry nodded. "yeah. you'll meet her soon, she's visiting her parents right now, but when she comes back i'll introduce you two."

john got up and went over to harry, giving her a hug. "thank you." he said.

harry hugged back. "you're welcome." she said as she patted john's shoulder.

john let go of her and sat back down, actually taking a bite of his spaghetti. he left the phone alone, not really needing it. he didn't have social media, he didn't need to text any one, he did think about calling sherlock, but he decided to wait until tomorrow to do that.

after dinner, john helped harry clean up then went back upstairs while she went out to the back yard to smoke a cigarette. he sat on his bed, taking the phone out of his pocket and setting it on his desk. he stared at his phone for a bit before turning his head to his dresser where a soccer ball was some how underneath it.

harry nearly pissed herself when the ball dropped from the sky. she got up from where she was sitting and walked off the back porch, looking up and seeing her brother hanging out of his window. "jesus, you almost gave me a heart attack!" she exclaimed.

john laughed. "wanna play a game?" he asked.

harry looked up at the blond as a smile crept upon her lips. "like old times?" she asked.

john's face broke out in a smile. "like old times." he said.

"then get your ass down here and let's play!"

john chuckled and closed his window before running out of his room and down the steps.

after getting threatened by the neighbors, the two siblings went back inside and got water before sitting on the sofa. john chugged his water then tossed the bottle at his sister before looking the other way and blowing out a stream of air.

"you've gotten good at soccer." harry complimented her brother as she tossed the empty bottle back at him.

john took the bottle and fiddled with it. "thanks." he said. "i've been thinking about going out for the school's team. since it's my last year and all." he said then slouched in his seat.

"you totally should."

john huffed out a laugh. "i'd come home beat up like i just came home from rugby."

harry frowned. "what d'you mean?" she asked, sitting herself up as she looked at her brother.

"uh, nothing." john said and cleared his throat as he stood up. "it's late and i have school."

harry grabbed her brother's wrist before he was able to walk away. "john. are you getting bullied?" she asked in a serious tone.

john sighed and looked at the floor before pulling his wrist out of her grip. "don't act like you care. you're only here cause sherlock couldn't be. i know you plan on leaving after he gets back." john said before heading for the stairs.

harry jumped up after him. "i do care, john!" she said as she chased after him, getting his bedroom door slammed in his face. "i will be coming back. trust me, i will. i'm not going to leave you again, john. promise." she said through the door.

the light turned off and the noise from john shuffling around in his comforter came from the room. harry sighed and backed away from the door before heading back downstairs.

sorry for the late update, i've been busy with work and i just got home from my backpacking trip and while on my trip i thought about the rest of this book and there should be like 10 more chapters. maybe more, maybe less. idk yet, but this one won't be all over the place and it will be good. i swear.

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