twenty one

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thursday morning, sherlock slept in until eleven. which was a shocker to everyone because he either didn't sleep or he woke up before everyone else. but he was seriously jet lagged so they let him sleep until everyone started getting ready for court.

"hey, sherlock," john said as he walked into his room. "can you tie a tie?" he asked as he fiddled with the tie around his neck.

sherlock looked at him. "did you never learn how to tie one?" he asked as he walked over to him.

john shook his head. "dad never taught me."

"not even for formal dances?"

"never went to 'em."

"well it's simple." sherlock said then gave john a quick lesson on how to tie a tie, showing him the steps as he tied john's tie. "after it's over, i have to go to the station and fill out some paperwork and then have a very long call with the people back in america for leaving like i did."

"how long will you be?" john asked as he walked around sherlock, grabbing his blazer off the back of his desk chair.

"a few hours at the least. i'm in deep shit right now. greg doesn't think i'll get the promotion anymore."

john pulled on his blazer as he looked at the floor. "sorry. it's my fault." he said sadly.

sherlock stepped over to him and straightened out his lapel. "it's not your fault."

"well i'm the reason why you left early."

sherlock tilted john's chin up so he was looking at him. "it's not your fault, babe. it's mine. it's all my fault for leaving like that. don't blame yourself."

john huffed out a sigh.

harry knocked on the door frame. "you two ready?" she asked.

"yeah." sherlock said and look back at harry. "just give a minute, we'll meet you downstairs."
she nodded then walked away and sherlock turned back to john, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "remember to breathe, okay?"

john nodded, sniffling. "i'm ready."

sherlock gently took john's hand in his and started walking. "i've gotta drive separate." sherlock said to harry.

she nodded. "clara and i will meet you two there then?"

sherlock nodded.

it wasn't as long as sherlock thought it'd be because jim's father was his lawyer and automatically said that he was guilty. they asked john what had happened that night and what happened when him a jim were together. john told them everything, from jim hitting him, him raping him and him breaking into his house after the first restraining order was up. when they got a break, john's lawyer talked with him before letting john go to sherlock and sherlock held him. he told him that he was doing great and it'd be over soon. and it was. after the judge said a few more things, they declared jim guilty and seven years in prison.

sherlock waited out side the court house, smoking a cigarette while he waited for everyone else to come out. the second john came running out, sherlock dropped his cigarette and put it out, preparing for the impact of the boy flinging himself at him.

"no more jim!" john said happily, hugging sherlock tightly.

sherlock chuckled. "no more jim." he said and kissed the side of john's head.

"we're going out to eat if you want to come sherlock." harry said as she walked over to the couple.

"actually i've got to head back to the station. i've got paperwork and whatnot to fill out." he said to harry.

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