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We just got home. John's asleep and I'm leaving for work. Greg said he'll stop by before he goes in and Sven and Tj offered to come over and hang out with him. He doesn't want to talk either. He's traumatized and we can't do anything with that bastard before John says that it was Jim. He misses you. He misses you more now than ever. Try to come home soon, please.

sherlock stuffed his phone back into his pocket and looked around the airport. he had to take a connecting flight back home and now he was in new york with a delayed flight because of the weather and he was on the edge of his seat because he just wanted to get home to john. they didn't expect the fight to go for at least another three hours and sherlock was about to catch a train to maryland and get a flight there.

around four in the morning was when sherlock got a call from john.

"hey, baby. how ya feeling?" sherlock asked when he answered.

"okay." john said softly. "greg said i have to go to court thursday."

"i thought they didn't have proof."

"greg came over yesterday and i stated that jim was my attacker." john said then sighed. "also sven's family had security cameras and they caught jim entering the house in a disguise then him going upstairs and taking it off then him going into the guest room." he said, his voice getting softer at the last part.

"are you feeling better?"

"a little."

"have you gone to school yet?"

"i went today. there was an officer with me all times. i went to practice too. everyone gave me hugs and coach said i didn't have to practice if i didn't feel up to it, but i did."

"you tired now?"

"a lil bit, yeah."

"why don't you sleep? and you can call me when you wake up."

"but i want to talk with you."

"you can talk with me when you wake up."

"you're just saying that cause you have to go, don't you?"

"i'm sorry love, but the sooner i get this done the earlier i can come home and see you."

"how much earlier?"

"soon. really soon." sherlock said as he heard the on going flights call and heard his. "i've got to go, but the second you wake up you can call, okay?"

"alright. bye." john said sadly then hung up.

sherlock stuffed his phone into his pocket and got up, grabbing his bag and suit case and hurrying to his flight gate.

sherlock slept the train ride from london, getting at least a good hour in before he was woken up when the train stopped. he had greg meet him at the train station so he wouldn't have to get a cab. they stopped by sherlock's flat so he could drop off his suitcase then pack an overnight bag.

"john went to school and he's at practice. summers is with him today so he'll be bringing john home." greg said to sherlock as they drove to john's house.

"can you take me to the station so i can get the car?" sherlock asked.

"do you really think it's a smart idea to go see john at practice?"

"it's either that or i go pay james a visit."

greg sighed and made a quick u turn at the next light so he could go to the station.

sherlock parked the car and sat for a second, spotting john on the field, running down another boy and stealing the ball from him before turning the other direction with the ball. sherlock got out of the car when he saw john score a goal then the coach blew the whistle and they all went to the sideline to get water.

"hey, john." tj said, elbowing john. "ain't that sherlock?" he asked and pointed to where sherlock was getting closer to the field.

john dropped his water and sprinted over to sherlock, instantly jumping onto the man, causing sherlock to fall back. "you're here." john cried. "you're really here." he cried as he squeezed sherlock tightly.

"i'm here, baby. i'm really here." sherlock said and kissed john's head, holding him close.

john's coach let him go early and john gladly went. sherlock took him to the local diner to get something to eat and they ended up sharing a plate of chips and each getting a milkshake. they talked. sherlock could see john's mood change now that he was here. they were there for a few hours before john said that he was ready to go home. so sherlock paid the bill and they went to john's house.

"john?" harry asked from the kitchen when she heard the front door close.

"yeah." john replied as he toed off his shoes then took his bag from sherlock and ran upstairs to take a shower.

sherlock set his bag on the sofa as he walk to the kitchen. "smells good." he said to harry.

harry almost dropped the pot pie she was pulling out of the oven. she set it down then took off the oven mits, hugging sherlock. "when did you get in? i thought you had another three weeks."

sherlock hugged back. "i left after you called me. we finished any ways and i didn't need to stay for the conference."

harry pulled away from the hug and smiled up at sherlock. "are you going to be at the trial tomorrow?" she asked as she went to grab plates from the cupboard.

sherlock nodded. "of course. finally get to see that bastard get locked up." he said and took the plates from harry, setting the table. "how has john been about it?"

"acts like nothing happened." harry said then handed sherlock glasses and forks. "i don't know if i should be telling you this, but they diagnosed him with depression at the hospital." she said softly, setting the pot pie on the table.

sherlock set the glasses down. "don't treat him differently. treat him the same as you normally would. that's the best thing to do." he said then looked up at harry. "i know it's tough. but it's even tougher on john and he's pulling through it, so you can too."

harry wiped her face with the back of her hand. "i just don't want him to do what mum did."

"he won't. i know he would never do that." sherlock said as he walked around the table to harry, giving her a hug. "he's strong. he'll make it through."

harry sniffled and nodded, letting go of sherlock and taking a deep breath. "god i'm so glad you came into john's life."

"i am too." john said as he walked into the kitchen. "is clara eating with us?" he asked his sister as he went to sherlock and leaned against him.

harry nodded. "she'll be here soon but she said we could start eating without her. you guys can eat, i'm gonna have a quick smoke." harry said then left the kitchen, going straight outside.

at dinner, sherlock met clara and they hit it off. harry and clara saw john the happiest in weeks and it was all because of sherlock. after dinner, sherlock washed the dishes while john sat at the table and talked with him while harry and clara did god knows what. once sherlock finished, he told john he was ready to go to bed so they went upstairs to john's room and laid down.

"god you've gained some muscle." sherlock said as he squeezed john's bicep.

john laughed softly. "we do strength training every other day at practice and i do some at home."

"i think you could lift more than me."

"hmmm, probably." john said as he nuzzled his face into sherlock's chest. "have i mention that i missed you?"

sherlock wrapped an arm around john and kissed his head. "yes. multiple times."


"have i mentioned that i love you?" sherlock asked.

john took his face out of sherlock's chest and looked at him. he shook his head. "never."

"well i love you, john watson." sherlock said and kissed john's forehead.

"i love you, too." john responded, smiling slightly. he pulled sherlock down some and kissed him deeply, getting a kiss back from the man.

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