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john's birthday came slowly for the boy. mainly because everyday sherlock asked if he was excited for his birthday and john would reply with the same answer every single time. when he woke up that day he had to mentally pull himself out of bed, fulling his usual wave of sadness hit him. he did his regular morning routine then went downstairs, being welcomed by harry and her girlfriend.

"i made you a birthday breakfast." harry said and set a plate on the table. she walked over to her brother and ruffled his hair. "happy birthday, little bro." she said then went back to the stove.

john tossed his bag down and plopped into his chair, sighing heavily as he stared at the pancake in front of him with a smiley face made out of whipped cream and blueberries. he took his fork and mushed the blueberries then mixed them in with the whipped cream, creating a mess with his food.

the morning was filled with pointless conversation and a quick text from sherlock that just said "happy birthday, love. have a great day." john didn't know what it was, but he felt like his and sherlock's relationship was coming to a slow ending. he just shrugged the thought of it out of his mind and continued with his day, not responding to the text message.

"there's the birthday boy!" sven said cheerfully as he sat next to john at their lunch table.

"yep. here i am." john said in a poor enthusiastic voice.

tj sat across from him and gave him an odd stare. "why so glum?" he asked john.

john shrugged. "it's just one of those days i guess." he said and poked at the poor excuse of a lunch that the school provided. "also you're both invited to the small party my sister is throwing for me."

"is it alright if i bring janine?" sven asked.

john nodded. "yeah."

"you boys excited about today?" tj asked with a huge grin on his face.

"it'd be a terrible birthday present for john if he didn't make the team." sven joked as he gave john a soft nudge.

john laughed. "yep. it'd be awful." he said then stabbed the lunch with his fork angrily.

both boys next to john stopped joking and stared at john with wide eyes. "alright mate?" tj asked.

"no fucking clue." john responded, grabbing his book bag and leaving the commons. he went to the library, ask mrs hudson if he could sit in her office for a bit then going in there and closing the door. he tossed his bag down then lay on the sofa in her office, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath and relaxing. he reached into his pocket and took his phone out, calling sherlock.

"you've reached sherlock holmes, leave a quick and brief message of why you're calling and your name. thanks."

"hey, thanks for the birthday wish. we'll probably miss each other tonight again. i wanna talk with you like a real conversation when we manage to get a hold of each other. you don't have to call me back, just text me that you got this and we can discuss a good time that we can both talk." john sighed deeply. "have a great night. bye." he spoke then hung up, closing his eyes and inhaling deeply again, calming his nerves.

john spirit lifted a tiny bit when he made the team, but it was quickly ruined by everyone singing him happy birthday. he walked home after practice, not wanting to talk with anyone, he just wanted to be left alone with his thoughts to think for a bit.

when he reached his house, there was a package outside and he picked it up, taking it inside and carrying it to the kitchen. he froze when he saw the enormous bouquet of flowers sitting on the table with a card sticking out of it with his name on it. john set the package on the table then dropped his bags on the floor, taking the card and opening it.

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