chapter one

76 3 10

March 20th 2018 - September 20th 2018

Hey! I'm just going to bother you a little. I'm a 18 (rn) year old girl from a non-English speaking country and I can't say I'm bad at English since bad means not being able to write a whole novel, still, I probably have some errors. Some just because I write at 1am being tired and unaware and some because English is my 2nd language. (I'll try to correct as much as I can but a few errors will be there I promise. If I do the same error more than a few times just inform me so that I can learn.)

This book is actually already finished. I've edited it all and I'm just posting chapter after chapter so don't worry if you think I'm not going to be done with the book. Because it's done and I hope you'll give it a chance.

I'm trying to be detailed, have complicated words and a good story but I'm human and I'm not even close to perfect, I just hope that you enjoy my story anyway because a lot of things will happen, that I can promise you.


Warning: This story includes bad language and... dirty scenes (Not that bad though sorry) (but if you want fifty shades of grey this ain't it at all lmao)


Song: Dreams - Bazzi


Everything is black and white. I'm standing on a road. No cars, no sound. Just the wind touching my wavy hair.

I touch the breeze with my fingers and inhale some of it. I don't feel cold. Even though I'm in my blue, now gray, striped shorts and white tank top, barefoot, on a road, in the middle of the city. I feel warm, I feel safe.

I move my head to the left, sensing something, someone.

On the sidewalk, someone in the shadows. It feels like I'm supposed to be frightened but I'm not. I raise an eyebrow at the person and walk away from the road that is without a single car driving on it. Away from the road onto the sidewalk.

Smoke. Bulging around me, into my nose. I wrinkle my nose, first in disgust, then in fear.

The person's face isn't visible to me. Just the glow, orange, almost red glow from the cigarette. Everything is black, white and grey except for the cigarette. The smoke circles around me, captures me, stings my eyes, tightens my chest. It goes from a hazy grey to dark thick smoke. Like everything around me is on fire, except that I can't see the literal fire.

The only thing I can see is that small glow, hiding in the thick smoke. I try to inhale but all that gets into me is the smoke. It doesn't taste like smoke from a fire. It's like I'm breathing in black, heavy, cigarette smoke.

I cough. Repeatedly cough. Try to breathe to be able to cough again but there is no oxygen in the air. Just smoke.

I try reaching for the glow but as my hand moves out through the smoke the glow fades away. I inhale again and put my hand on my chest. No air, the smoke thickens, takes away my hope for air.

I take a step closer to where I last saw the glow. Reaching for the person, hoping he or she can help me. I don't feel anyone, just something cold, metallic.

As I touch it a buzz jolts through my body. I want to gasp, say something out loud but I don't get a sound out of me. I have nothing to breathe out, I'm unable to say anything, unable to breathe.

Everything starts to flicker. If I don't get out of the smoke I'll faint, then die. I can't die like this, absolutely not like this. Still my head is pounding, I try once again to desperately breathe in anything but smoke but my lungs sting, my throat feels like it's filled with acid. Lungs on fire, eyes tearing up, blurry vision, falling.

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