chapter eight

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Song: Softcore - The Neighbourhood (Instrumental)


I get pushed into the place. A thumping rhythm from the music beats in my body all the way into my soul.

I get pressed onto the dance floor, feeling completely disoriented. People dancing around me and I don't want to join them. The whole place is dark with red lights glowing lowly over the crowd.

I spin around stuck in the crowd. I was supposed to look for the Quarter angels not stand here like and idiot.

I look for a way out just as someone grabs my wrist. I'm just about to get out of the grip and defend myself from the person holding me when I freeze watching the guy stand there in the red light.

He's tall and my eyes focus back and forth on his black eyes. I draw my eyebrows together "What are you doing here Quinn?"

It looks like he's sighing but I can barely hear my own thoughts. He moves his mouth to my left ear. "I could've asked the same thing but, even though I've only known you for about a week, I know you."

I push him off me and focus in his eyes. Okay, maybe you could leave me alone then.

He is emotionless but something in his expression shows him that he's surprised I talked to him in his mind. I didn't know I could do that either but for some reason I'm not surprised. He nods for me to follow him but I shake my head.

He puts his hands in front of me, palms up, a gesture that is trying to ask me what I'm doing. I don't know where to go but at least Quinn is here. I might as well enjoy the moment. I move closer to him. He stands there like a stick and looks down at me as I grab his hands and put them on my hips.

His lips become a thin line. What are you doing?

Relax. I tell him and start moving to the rhythm. Along with the beat against his body. I turn around with my back against his stomach and place my hands on his, that are on my hips, to move along.

I get feel him loose a little but he's still not feeling it. I close my eyes pretending I'm dancing with water. Like the rhythm is the waves and and like I am follow it along. I lean back and place my head by his neck, continuing to dance against him. Quinn turns me back around and I open my eyes.

He looks at me with a judging glare. I ignore it and put my hands on his hips instead, trying to steady myself and then start moving against him. He wraps his arms around my waist and presses me against his chest. I can feel his heavy breathing against my forehead. I'm not going to dance with you.

Being the dick you are, I'm not surprised.

I can feel his chest tense up repeatedly like he's laughing. I look up at him, after moving closer to him the space between us got away and now I can't take a step back without walking into a girl.

Quinn unwraps his arms and takes my hand to lead me away from the crowd. You're hot when you're dancing.

I shouldn't blush but I do. Though it doesn't matter in the red light. He drags me out of the crowd but a group of guys come at me separating me from Quinn. His hand slips away and he disappears. The group is probably about ten to fifteen guys and they move me along with the beat into a new room of the club, away from Quinn.

One of them steps on my toes and when I take a step back I fall onto the ground. None of them notices me. Where are you? I try asking Quinn as I stand up but he doesn't answer. I don't even know which way I came from anymore. I brush dirt off my dress if there was any.

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