chapter six

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I turn around to face my new view. Maybe this will be my last one before going to Purgatory. I can't trust Quinn's words. Maybe he just gave me false hope, maybe he's still going to give that anonymous tip and send me to somewhere I can't even imagine. 

He said I was immortal, did he lie to scare me? I can't even wrap my head around that part and I decide to worry about that later. But it somewhat makes me even sadder. I would never want to be imprisoned but be imprisoned for an eternity? I don't even want to think about it.

The tears roll down my cheeks along with the water from the rain. How long had I been out?

I'm at the motel that is next to me and Bea's favorite diner. Of course he didn't take me to his place, that would be stupid of him. Still, I would like to see it before he sends me to Purgatory, please tell me he won't. I walk down the parking lot, feeling my clothes get stuck on my skin. It's dark outside and it makes the rain feel even colder. My heart beats hard in my chest. Why does being free from that motel room feel so bad? It's like I feel exposed. Ready for an Angel to come around the corner and pick me up like I'm trash.

I walk by the diner and continue down the road, my phone is in my pocket. It's eleven-twenty, still Thursday. I must have been out for at least three hours. My teeth chatter as I walk down the road, I walk past El Matador and the grocery store, continuing down the road, before turning to get to my house. The walk takes about twenty minutes and when I see my house more anxiety hits my chest.

Two police cars parked by my house, blinking red and blue. I feel the aching in my chest get even worse. I'm going to have to lie to them, bulgars. Bulgars did this.

I get into my house and meet one of the police men. A woman standing there studying the shattered stuff in the hall. She turns around and looks at me. "It's the police, identify yourself."

"Aurora Price. I live here" I start and the woman leads me to the kitchen.

"Do you know what happened here?"

My head is spinning. I don't know what to tell her because I've been out for three hours, I need an alibi to prove what I've been doing for three hours. Though lying and saying I haven't been here will make it hard to explain what the hell I am doing here all soaked at eleven-forty.

"Burglars" I start not even having to try to sound sad.

"We got a call three hours ago. Where have you been?"

"I was in here, got attacked and had to run away from my house. I got so scared and I had to hide."

The woman continues to ask question and thankfully mostly of the scene in the house where I can be honest most of the time. Leaving the telekinesis part out, of course. When they leave it's over one am. The anxiety in my stomach is back. I won't ever be able to sleep after all of this even though whatever Quinn injected is still making me all groggy.

I want to crying again. Quinn proved to me that I am a Quarter angel. I got immortal because I was unaware of the whole situation. How come I don't know anything? Is mom a Demi-angel and does that mean she's alive somewhere? Or is dad one? Does that mean he hates me?

I need a plan, I need Quinn to help me. To figure out why I don't know anything about this. I also need to understand why Quarter angels wants him gone. Why would I ever want to send my mom or dad to Purgatory? Why would I ever want to that to him? 

One thing I know for sure is that I can't be in school tomorrow, it would be taking a risk since I don't know when the next time I'll meet Quinn will be. If I'm not here when he wants me to, then I'll have some issues. 

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