chapter four

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"You want something to eat, drink?"

"I don't need to eat."

I press my lips together. "Of course you don't."

He laughs. "You'll get used to it. Other humans have."


He clenches his jaw. "They grew old."

I take a sip of the water I just got for myself and walk to him. "I'm sorry about that. Aren't there any others like you?" I can't say the word Demi-angel out loud. It just feels weird. I walk through the hall to get to the stairs.

"Yes, but we all have to be careful and I have trust issues."

We walk up the stairs and when we get into my room Quinn throws himself on my bed. Groaning and closing his eyes. I put my glass on the desk and sit down on the chair. "Why do you have to be careful?"

He puts his elbows on my mattress and looks up at me. "I'm not supposed to exist if a Guardian- or Archangel find me they can send me to Purgatory."

"Isn't Purgatory a bad place but then you still get to heaven?"

"For me, it's a prison."

"And there's no hell?" I ask not believing that any of my questions are actually coming out of my mouth.

"I don't know, it's not like I'm talking to any Angels and get info. I've just gotten rumors from other Demi-angels."

I am speechless, it's like I opened a door to a room filled with water and now everything is pouring out, without a way for me to stop it or get the water back in. Quinn lies back down again and closes his eyes. I stand up to look at him. "Do you need sleep?"

"Yes, god yes, I love sleeping."

I chuckle. "Not in my bed." He takes a deep breath and then opens his eyes. He sits up and I sit down next to him. "So. You're half human, half angel. You can manipulate me, levitate stuff, what more?"

Telepathy. Though it gives me a headache after a while.

His voice echoes in my head, like he whispered it in my head. I look at him and his eyes scream the word amusement. Like he's happy he shocked me. I shut my eyes. "Why me though?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why intrude my dreams? Why did you manipulate me?"

I wish I could be more specific with the question. I mean he kissed me in my dream, he tried to make me kiss him in real life, why? Quinn brushes away hair from his eyes. "Because I'm bored. I wanted a beer, other people's dreams are interesting. Although, you kicked my ass."

"Why did you kiss me?" The words just accidentally throw themselves out of my mouth.

He flinches. "Why did you kiss back?"

"Because I thought it was a dream, you can do whatever in a dream. Stop avoiding the question."

"I like playing with people's minds."

"So you tried to manipulate me into kissing you?"


"Wow, my will not to kiss you must have been strong since I got out of the manipulation."

His eyes flicker away for a second. "Yeah, that has never happened before."

"Why kiss me?"

He laughs but it just sounds forced. "Because you stared at me at El Matador. What can I say?"

Demi-AngelWhere stories live. Discover now