chapter five

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"So he renovated Paris, what more?"

"Have you wrote it out in detail? Like so much it's funny? Because I'm not giving you more facts unless you fight to get above the word count."

"I even wrote that Paris is and was the capital of France. For those who did not know, now they know."

He puts clicks on his computer. "Okay, economy, railway, the competition with Great Britain."

I look at him, he's still wearing the same clothes he had yesterday with his feet almost on my legs. The couch isn't so big but he still feels like he can take up all the space. He bites his cheek before looking up at me. I put my hands over my face. "Sounds like one great sentence."

He checks the time on his watch I did not know he had. "Do you want to take a break?"

I look back at the screen. "Wait, no! Did I delete the whole paragraph about the parlament?"

"Just press the" he puts down his computer on the coffee table. "Let me see."

He sits down next to me and takes the computer. I look at it. "The whole thing froze."

"Word online, such bullshit. Way to go, Mr. Miller" he says and gives my computer back to take his instead.

"Am I going to have to rewrite the paragraph because I don't know if I'll be able to do that without crying" I say and look at my computer.

"No wait" he says and I watch his screen. He logs into the document and presses some kind of undo button and the stuff is back.

"Oh, thank god" I say and look back at my screen.

"I'm still all for that break though" he says and I nod.

I put my computer on the table. "This would be the perfect time to say 'would you like to have something to eat?' but I guess there won't be a yes from you."

He brushes his black hair away from his eyes. "I can taste but it's not like I feel hungry and want to eat it."

"That's depressing, food is life" I say truthfully, food is life. He smiles at me and then looks into my eyes deeply. I look away. "Don't try to manipulate me."

"I'm not trying to, I give up, you're unmanipulatable" he says lowly.

"That's not even a word."

"Now it is" he begins and moves on the couch. He puts up his legs so that his chest is pointed against me. You're a lot of more adjectives though.

He says it in my mind and it gives me chills all over my body. "Aren't we all adjectives? Like you: incredibly huge idiot. Look three in one description."

"Idiot is a noun, I thought you were smarter than that" he laughs quietly and looks into my eyes. It's like the world pauses, his pitch black eyes flickers down to my lips. And for some reason that makes my heart become warm and flutter. His breath doesn't smell of smoke, it's minty. He leans forward to come closer to me and just when I'm about to close my eyes the front door opens and I lean backwards.

"Hey Aurora!" Dad yells from the hall.

"Hey dad, we're working on a project but we'll let you sleep."

"We?" Dad asks and I can hear him put groceries down on the hallway floor before he walks to us.

"Me and Quinn are doing a lovely history assignment" I say sarcastically. "Quinn, meet my dad."

Dad shakes his hand and it all just seems so awkward so I take a deep breath. "Well, we're not going to bother you any more. We'll go upstairs so that you can sleep."

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