chapter fifteen

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"And why did you sound so depressed, my friend?" Bea wonders as she opens the door. I stand there in a weird outfit with a dress in my arms and step into the house. "And what's with the clothing choice."

"I have a lot of shit to talk about and at this moment I don't think a single thing is positive" I say and sit down not wanting to have my heels on for one more minute. "I don't even know where to start."

"Start with your clothes."

I look up at her after taking off one of the shoes. "The clothes I'm holding or wearing? Even that has two different stories."

"Start with what you're wearing" she chews on the nail on her thumb. "Why are you wearing a big black shirt with ripped jeans that has a weird hole in it, plus, why are you being fancy with heels on that. Fashion disaster."

I take off the other heal. "The shirt isn't mine, it's Quinn's, the jeans has a whole in it because I got stabbed there. The heels are supposed to go with the dre-"

"Hold up" she stops chewing on the nail. "Stabbed?"

"Not today or yesterday. It was a while ago now."

She waves her arms in the air. "And you didn't feel like telling me?"

"I heal fast, don't worry about it. It hurt like hell though" I shake my head, stand up and continue to the kitchen. "Anyway that's not even the story I wanted to tell you."

"Okay explain" Bea sits down and I copy her. "And not too much at the same time."

"The reason I'm in this is because I came home to Quinn in this" I put the dress on the table.

"Why were you even in this from the beginning?" Bea stops and gasps. "Why the hell is it bloody?"

"I-, i-it's" I pause and take a breath. "B-before I get to the sad part. I was at a nightclub with a few other Quarters. You know I told you about the war and I know you think I'm stupid."

"Irrational, a fool, idiot, also way too stubborn, yeah, go on."

"We we're trying to get people to join us and it all got messy" I look over at her to check if she's with me, if she's ready. Just speaking of the memory gives me tears in my eyes. "Quarter angels that likes to, you know, hunt Demi-angels, they came up and-"

"Oh my god, they beat you up?" Bea says.

I nod and feel a tear fall down, wasn't I supposed to stop crying for once? I then shake my head. "Not they, him."

"Him?" she leans back when I meet her eyes.


She stares blankly at me for a good few seconds before looking down at the table. She looks around like she's gathering information, clues, she's looking for something. "Aaron? You can't mean-"

"He" I breathe out a shaky breath. "He beat me unconscious, I-I saw him and got so mad, I ran up to him a-and it got awful."

"This can't be true" she places a hand over her face. "How can you be sure he's on their side, m-maybe he went up to help you?"

I think about the girl asking for Ron, how he never stopped beating me. "I'm sorry but I'm sure. You have to believe me."

"So he's immortal like you?"

"No, Quarters aren't immortal."

She opens her mouth but stops and sighs. "I-I don't know what to say, I can't believe it."

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