chapter fourteen

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Grass. Tickling and itching my bare arms and legs. It's cold, I shiver, but everything is still dark.

"Aurora?" The voice is familiar but muffled. I open my eyes and sob as I sit up. My body aches. Adrian holds me up in the position I'm sitting in. "How are you feeling?"

Everything that happened comes back to me like one of the punches Aaron gave me. I look at Adrian but everything is blurry. I dry off tears with my hand and feel how my body hurts. Aaron beat me up and he beat me up bad. "Not good."

"Lana is gathering people, I can take you home if you want."

Home. I don't want dad to see me like this and I told him I'm at Bea's. Not that it's true but I can't go home. I try blinking away the tears and Adrian helps me up. I breathe in through gritted teeth. He holds me up. 

I start walking without knowing where I going and Adrian follows. I look up at him. "I look fucked up don't I?"

"He hit you for a long time. I think he lost it."

"Well, he lost me too" I mumble as I continue walking in agony.

"What you mean?" We walk to the left onto the parking lot.

"That was my best friend" I say but my voice breaks and the tears come back again.

"Ron is your best friend?" Adrian sounds truly shocked

"Was" I start but I press my lips together and let the tears fall down my cheeks. "I didn't know about this I-"

"Hey, you don't need to explain yourself. I saw what happened."

Adrian opens the door for me and I dry off tears again hoping no more will come. I flip down the sun visor and look at my reflection. My face is fucked up badly. It can't be long since he stopped hitting me because I should have healed much by now. Or maybe I looked even worse.

My mascara is everywhere, my eye makeup looks like it should but with a black eye it only looks horrible. I sigh and Adrian sits down and starts the car. "Where to?"

I look over at him. I can't ring the doorbell to Bea's house at this time looking like this, neither at dad's. I explain the way to Quinn's apartment, hoping he's there, hoping I'll be able to get in.

The pain in my stomach, hands and body fades each second but healing still takes time. When Adrian gets to the apartment building he turns off the car. "You live here?"


"Who does?"

"Quinn does."


"I can't go home looking like this" I say and put my door on the handle but Adrian puts his hand on my knee.

"Good thing we got more people now" he looks at he building and then back at me. "I promise I won't tell any of them about your immortality."

"Good" I open the car door. "Thanks by the way."

"No, thanks for risking your face for this" he lets go of my knee. "I'm sorry about your friend."

"Yeah, me too" I try sounding genuine every time I talk but everything comes off as broken.

I take a quick look at my reflection again. I definitely don't look as destroyed but I have dried blood and mascara from crying all over my face.

"Training tomorrow" he says as I step out of the car.

"Bye Adrian."

"If there's anything, call me."

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