chapter three

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I look at my hand that touched the bracelet. It crackles, like it's asleep. What bracelet does that? I place my hands over my face. He's doing something, manipulating me some kind of way. I feel it, I see it in those eyes and the satisfaction each time I'm completely confused. I can't explain it but I know he's doing something. Just keep that in mind, Aurora. He's doing something.

Is mind control a thing? Like a real thing?

I sigh. I'll probably find out soon because there's no way I'm kissing that dude unless he's manipulating me.

I walk to the wardrobe looking into the mirror. There's no way he likes me like that. I just need to show him that I'm not an idiot so that he can go and bother someone else. I look like a complete fool. I open a few drawers and put on my pyjamas starting to realize what has been in the back of my head this whole time. When I fall asleep I'll probably be back in the dream again. 

I look at the clock. Six-thirty. If I would have been a nice human being I would have given Quinn dinner but now I honestly hope he starves to death.

I walk down and make some noodles, watch a movie and then walk back to my room knowing that I'll have to sleep, it's desperately waiting for me. I know I'm probably going to dream about the smoke again, waking up in tears coughing.

There's no need to be anxious about it, just accept it.

I close my eyes and hope not staying awake all night is the best choice. I toss and turn for quite a while. It's like when you know tomorrow is going to be an amazing day and you just can't stop thinking about it and then you're not able to sleep. It's like that but with anxiety instead. Like I know everything is going to be bad and I just can't stop thinking about it and now I'm not able to sleep.

Slowly I sink into the drowsy state. Melting into black and white. The smell is back. This time I don't wait for the smoke to grab me and choke me. I grab the guy's shirt and push him deeper into the shadows. Then I try to hit him but he dodges and smoke appears from behind him. He walks towards me so I take a few steps back before I run to him and jump onto him. I jump and land literally on him. I'm not thin and light like a feather.

He loses his balance and I kick his crouch. He groans and lies down on the ground. That was easier than I thought it would be.

"Who are you?" I ask, trying sound confident and sure of what I'm doing.

The guy doesn't answer. He just lies there in a ball. I can barely see him so taking off his hood wouldn't help.

"Stand up" I say thinking he probably would obey. "Stand up or I'll kick you again."

He does what I say and then I grab his wrist to lead him out of the alley we're in. That's when the familiar jolt, almost like an electric shock runs through my arm.

I gasp and let go of his hand. "Quinn?"

He just lights up a cigarette and I stare blankly at him. Am I dreaming about Quinn now? What the fuck is this?

I grab his arm and drag him out of the alley onto the road. He breathes in making the cigarette glow even more. "Hi."

"What the fuck are you doing in my dream?"

He laughs. "I don't know, you tell me."

Maybe this is just a dream, like a normal dream. You usually take things people say or do from real life and put it in a messed up dream. But then I wouldn't think like that. I've never been lucid dreaming but I'm pretty sure this ain't it.

"No, why don't you tell me?" I say but he just continues on his cigarette. "You're manipulating me and my dreams aren't you?"

"I really don't know. This is your mind not mine. I'm just smoking."

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