chapter seventeen

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We train all afternoon until my stomach start to rumble and I realize that I'm the only one in my surrounding that actually feel hunger. I've mostly focused on flying, shooting fire and using my vision as an advantage.

I've also helped Leah with the fire and she's almost as good as me, we traded. I helped her with the fire, she helped me with flying. After feeling my stomach tear my insides apart for the third time I lie down in the grass. I want to tell Quinn I'm hungry but he's busy running around the place.

Leah comes panting and sits down next to me. "Ugh, I never train."

"Me neither, if I knew about this I would have started a year in advance."

"Oh well" she looks out over the field. "It's good to just get it over with."

I nod but she doesn't notice it because she's still looking out. I'm usually not that observant but the ring makes me study her. I look at her eyes and the out on the field. I would never have guessed where she looked without the ring but she's looking at Jess and Adrian that is talking intensely.

I look back at Leah, using the ring's vision to study her face. I start to like the vision more and more after each second. I see something in her eyes and I can understand that it has negativity in them. Like she's a little frustrated, the crease between her eyebrows says the same thing. The way her lips are curved, downwards.

"Hey?" I get out as a reaction to what I am realizing.

She stops staring at them and looks at me. Her eyes roll when she realizes that I've been staring at her. "Yeah?"

She sounds unsure and I don't even know if I want to ask her. Maybe she'll get uncomfortable. "Why are you looking at them?"

I study her as she quickly lets her eyes study Jessica and Adrian again, like she wants to check if anything has happened since last time she looked. "No reason."

She looks ashamed this time, breaks eye contact and presses her lips together. I don't leave her eyes. "You like him don't you?"

"How can you figure that out?" she wonders and her voice is a little whiny, proving I was right.

"The magic ring makes me do magic things."

"Please don't tell him" she rubs her eye with one hand and then puts her hands over her face, ashamed. "I know you two are good friends."

I wrinkle my nose. "I've known him for less than two weeks."

"Really?" she looks up again. "You seem close."

"All on him, he's all over the place" I shrug not knowing what to say. "Look, I won't tell him. It's fine for you to like him but I don't know if he's into serious relationships and all that."

"That is what bothers me" Leah lies down in the grass. "Seems like you're never ever able to find serious even though you're immortal."

"He's mortal anyway" I look down at her. "You sure there isn't a Demi-boyfriend material out there hiding?"

"I don't know anymore" she fiddles with the grass. "I'm picky, Adrian is just so.. handsome."

I can't disagree. I've always had a thing for guys with dark colors. Brown hair, brown or green eyes.

I usually don't meet guys with black eyes and hair but meeting Quinn made me love that appearance more than ever.

Adrian is tall, hot and if he didn't was so forward and flirty he probably could be my type.

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