chapter eleven

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Lana explained the plan, trip to heaven next week, Saturday. "This is how it's going to be" she clears her throat so that everyone stops mumbling over the sudden plan. "I've been thinking for a while if we should lure them down but it will only bring attention to, well all human beings but also Quarters. I would say that we should go up to heaven."

"Is that plan even sustainable?" Quinn interrupts. "How does it look up there?"

Lana looks at him for a few seconds. "I don't know that. Though I know an angel. She says a fight there is possible."

"I would like to have a talk with the angel. How do we know it's the truth? How do we know this isn't a trap?"

Adrian chuckles. "This guy needs help."

"No" Lana starts. "It's good that you're asking questions. We can trust her, she gave us a weapon against the Angels, I'm going to say she's reliable."

I yawn. "How are we going to win this? We're mortal and I would guess they're not."

"This Saturday we'll persuade more people at the lair. Who's in?" Everyone puts their hand up except for Quinn that instead finishes his beer and opens a new one. "We're not able to kill them no, but we can hurt them, make them make a deal with us, that's the best I can give you. Are you going to make Demi-angels join us, Quinn?"

"I'll try, yes" he says sounding slightly slurred.

"Good. We'll have plenty of time to train, just try out the rings for me, I don't want the first training to be a disaster." I shift my eyes to Quinn who looks tired, on his way to get drunk and then I throw my eyes back to Lana who puts her hands together. "I guess we have a date, enjoy the meeting, it might be the last one that isn't grueling."

Next week, my heart beats faster just thinking about it. People start moving and I walk into the living room. Suddenly I feel more unsure than Quinn. He still looked slightly unconvinced but my nervousness makes me want to change my mind. What if I end up in Purgatory?

I lean back on the couch and close my eyes. When I open them, I watch Quinn in the corner of the room that is laughing, practically hanging over Adrian. I watch him wobble around talking to him. How much did he drink? I roll my eyes and look at the time, we should leave. Before the two of them get together instead or something.

I walk to Quinn. "We're leaving now. I don't want you get unconscious here."

"Hey? The party has just started!"

Suddenly I wish we took the car. But how was I going to predict that Quinn would get drunk with Adrian? I grab his arm and he unwillingly follows me to the hall. Lana walks to me. "I'll text you about the next meeting Sunday. Tell Demi-drunk to get his Demi-buds until then."

"Okay" I say and open the front door.

"Good luck with him."

I laugh depressingly. "Thanks, I'll definitely need it."


When we get into his apartment after the longest walk in my life with Quinn being more annoying than ever, yelling, running, stopping. I push him into the bathroom just as he pukes in the shower. He sits down on the toilet afterwards still smiling. Please sober up.

I give him a toothbrush and then walk to the shower trying not to look at the vomit as I wash it down. He brushes his teeth and only that will make him more bearable. When I turn around he's gone and I walk into his bedroom. He changes his shirt and I get a glance of his tattoos before he put another shirt on.

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