chapter twenty three

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"You know what I dislike most with this place?"

"That you're locked up forever maybe?" Oliver asks.

"No, or yeah" I mumble, feeling tired but don't know if I should. "but that wasn't what I was going to say. It's that you don't know what time of the day it is."

"I'm tired, you tired? If we're both tired maybe it's night. Or well, I fucked up my sleeping schedule before getting here, I'm not a reliable clock to be honest" Oliver says from the bunk under.

"How many times have we slept again? Four?"

"Three I think."

I've learned how this place works. No supernatural powers work, no way to open the door, no way to contact Quinn in my dreams. The two girls on the other side of the corridor doesn't like when you're being too loud. Food comes twice a day but it feels like they come at different times just to mess with us. Or maybe I'm just over analyzing it all.

Oliver is a nice person, I really enjoy being depressed with him. He jokes about this place and it makes it less of a hell. But it's been maybe three days. It'll all be different after three years, after three hundred years.

It's like mental torture seeing no exit, no end to the suffering. I've been thinking a lot about people getting insane here. I wonder how long it takes. When you stare at the bars, that separates you from the life outside, and grab them and scream like a lunatic, hoping they'll break in your hands.

I've been wanting do that since I got here but I try not to take it all in. Because I don't want to go insane. I don't want to end up crazy. Or maybe that will make life here bearable.

Just when I'm about to sleep I hear footsteps outside. Which is odd. Really odd. The food comes out from the wall. No one has ever walked in that corridor.

I jump up and then down to the floor quicker than you can say the word corridor. I get to the window before Oliver. I press my face against the cold metal bars, listening to the footsteps. They're light and slow. Like the person is going to a specific cell but doesn't know which one.

I hear the person talk, it's muffled. She comes closer and repeats the same thing. Suddenly she's looking at me. "Are you Aurora?"

My eyes widen. "Yes. Yes, I am Aurora."

She raises an eyebrow. "Yeah a lot of girls said yes to that. Who is the leader of your mission?"

My mission. I flinch, I don't understand. I'm Aurora and I'm supposed to know who the leader of my-, she's the Angel! "Lana! Lana is the leader."

She looks to the left, then to the right. "Hi, I'm Marion. I knew it was you back by the gate."

"What do you mean?"

"You're famous" she smiles. "You're the one that can manipulate."

"So?" I say almost shaking. I got a person that can help me out of here and I ask her why I'm famous? I grab the bars.

"Lana mentioned how good you were. When you came back to heaven the rumor went around, I knew you'd be here somewhere."

Tears fill my eyes. I can get out of here. "Can you help me out?"

"Yes" she smiles but it disappears quickly. "But not yet. Though, I need your help."

"I'll do whatever" I say desperately.

She lowers her voice. "I'm trying to free all people out of here. You're very powerful, I need you. No one has ever been able to manipulate an Angel, Aurora. You might not be able to make them change their minds about values but you can manipulate them to open the gate out of here. I'm just going to go get the other people that are with me. Okay?"

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