chapter eighteen

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"From now on, I love pools" Quinn says dreamily.

"Me too" I admit. Every scene with Quinn is something else. I smile thinking of it all. These two and a half weeks, they've really been something else. I pick up my phone, checking the time. Wednesday, six-thirty. One text from El Matador. "Boss is asking me to work tonight."

"What about training?"

"I can do both. But-"

"But what?" Quinn interrupts.

"I'll have to get home to dad's afterwards."

"I can bond with your dad until you get here" Quinn wraps his arms around me and I really want to close my eyes and forget about all responsibility. But no, when it isn't weekend life has to punch you in the face like a fucking boxer because why not.

"Do you really think you can?" I yawn.

"Nah, I guess I'll be with the Demi-angels or something" he smells my hair. "You smell like me, I like that."

"Me too" and to me that's an understatement, I love the smell of him so much I feel like I'm addicted. I want the smell of him in a bottle. I could even buy his shampoo just to smell it. 

"I need a cigarette" Quinn interrupts my thoughts.

"Always those goddamn cigarettes."

"There are a lot you can do when you're immortal without issues."

I chuckle. What has he done? Has he taken drugs? Most likely. Robbed a bank? Probably not. I want to ask him but then another question pops up. "Have you ever done it with a guy?"

He flickers his cigarette and blows out smoke. For a second I start to think he's avoiding the question but then he smirks. "Uuh yeah, threesome."

"But you did it with him?"

"I did."

I laugh. "You did?"

"You'll be surprised over what you're able to do after living for centuries."

I start brushing my hair. "Maybe we're all bi-curious deep down."

"There's so much shit we can do, Aurora, after all of this, maybe we can travel the world."

I put my brush on the bedside table. "I know I'm immortal but I'm still seventeen. I need to graduate."

"Okay, fine."

"We have all the time in the world, you know."

"I'm just tired of living normal" he inhales and then fills my room with smoke. I give up, dad is going to find out about Quinn smoking and there's no way for me to stop it. "I want to do crazy."

"And fighting the angels isn't crazy enough for you?"

"Let me correct myself" he says and sits down on the chair next to the window. "I want to do something crazy that isn't stupid."

"I promise you that if we succeed with this. If we beat them, I'll give you crazy."


Losing a friend.

This annoying feeling in the back of your head, the emptiness. Like you're not used to the loss.

You think of things you want to tell them and do with them but the remember that they left you. Never really was there for you at all. It's a hell.. a fucking Purgatory.

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