chapter twelve

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I feel the ring in my pocket for the fifth time in two minutes. Just checking so that I haven't lost it. My heart beats faster just thinking about the abilities I have with it. I think about it so much I almost forget about where I'm going, what's going to happen when I walk through that door.

I place my hand on the handle and press it down. Dad's probably waiting for me and I feel the nervousness start to bubble in me, the heat rise, like my body is boiling.

I step in feeling my throat tighten when I step into the hall.

"Aurora? Is that you?"

"Yes" I sound more weak than planned.

Dad comes in and looks more relieved than mad. But I see disappointment in his eyes and it feels like a stab in my stomach. He places a hand on my shoulder. "Where the hell have you been? I called both Aaron and Beatrice's parents but you weren't there."

I close my eyes. "I was finishing the assignment with Quinn."

"And you didn't even bother to tell me? I've been calling you all day!" His voice turns angrier and angrier after each word and I feel the tears in my eyes.

"I'm sorry" I can't look into his eyes but I throw myself into his arms. "I'm really sorry, you don't understand how sorry I am."

He meets my hug but I can feel how tense he is. "Can you tell me what's going on? Does this have to do with Quinn?"

"Partly" I get out of me before I can stop myself. "But that's not the issue."

He lets go of me and looks at me. "Just explain it, is this about your mom?"

I walk into the kitchen and he follows me. I sit down by the counter and put my hands to cover my face. "It's not just something I can explain."

"Just" he looks down and then up again. "Just tell me about mom."

I pause. How do you give this information to someone without them flipping the fuck out. 'Hey you know mom? Well, surprise, she didn't die.'

"You won't believe me."

"Try me."

I give him a shaky breath. "I don't want to try you."

"For the love of god, tell me!" He sounds more desperate than angry. "I deserve to know this if it's about mom."

"She's alive okay! I don't know where she is but she's alive, breathing-" I stop myself before I give him all the info and he won't be able to take it in. I bite my lips following his reaction with my eyes.


Tears fill my eyes before I get the chance to stop it. "I miss her so much, dad. She's out there somewhere."

I look into space but see him move in the corner of my eye. "She's in our hearts, with us all the time. Don't forget that, I'm glad you feel that she's with us."

"I'm not talking metaphorically here, she's alive."

He scans me, searching for a sign telling him that I'm joking. "She's not alive, Aurora."

"She can't die, she's immortal."

He leans back. "Are you crazy?"

"She faked her death, that was what Quinn and I was talking about."

He looks like he's about to explode. "What are you on? What has Quinn done to you?"

I laugh even though it's the most stupid and inconvenient time to do so. I open a drawer and pull out a knife. "She's not human, only half."

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